Title: Dreamwalker Author: lennelle Summary: There's a missing little girl in Louisiana. Sam loses himself trying to find her. Genre/Pairing: Gen. Casefic. Type of hurt: Hospitalization, seizure, unconsciousness, supernatural illness, powers Why are you rec'ing this story? Such a wonderful casefic set in season 2, that sees Sam trying to save a missing girl. I don;t want to say too much in fear of spoiling the fic, but it's packed with hurt!Sam and worried and protective Dean. Anything else we should know? Written for the spn_reversebang, and there's a link to the beautiful artwork here.
Author: lennelle
Summary: There's a missing little girl in Louisiana. Sam loses himself trying to find her.
Genre/Pairing: Gen. Casefic.
Type of hurt: Hospitalization, seizure, unconsciousness, supernatural illness, powers
Why are you rec'ing this story? Such a wonderful casefic set in season 2, that sees Sam trying to save a missing girl. I don;t want to say too much in fear of spoiling the fic, but it's packed with hurt!Sam and worried and protective Dean.
Anything else we should know? Written for the spn_reversebang, and there's a link to the beautiful artwork here.
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