Title: Troubled Sammy Author: DeppsLadyRosebud Summary:Sam is about to experience his first hunt and things don’t exactly go as planned… Genre/Pairing:Spn Gen Type of hurt: chronic illness, OCD Why are you rec'ing this story? this is a fabulous story that really gets in Sammy's head and how one event affected him so much as well as how this affects John and Dean Anything else we should know?
Author: DeppsLadyRosebud
Summary:Sam is about to experience his first hunt and things don’t exactly go as planned…
Genre/Pairing:Spn Gen
Type of hurt: chronic illness, OCD
Why are you rec'ing this story? this is a fabulous story that really gets in Sammy's head and how one event affected him so much as well as how this affects John and Dean
Anything else we should know?
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