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ayane42 March 16 2014, 20:39:54 UTC
Title: Arms Wide Open
Author: soserendipity
Summary:“Dad’s on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in a few days.” Sound familiar? Sure, except this time, 18-year-old Dean confronts Bobby with the news. Because Sam? Sammy was taken when he was six - vanished off the face of the earth - and despite Dean’s best efforts, they've never been able to find him. John thinks Sam might be dead, but Dean can’t bring himself to give up hope that maybe, one day, he’ll have Sammy back at his side.
Genre/Pairing: SPN Gen, Sam, Dean, Bobby, John, Castiel, Zachariah
Type of hurt:abduction, mental abuse, physical abuse, child abuse, torture, cuts, bruises, angst, crying, PTSD
Why are you rec'ing this story? This is an AU story that is filled with lots of hurt Sammy. There's Dean, constantly thinking of his missing brother and when a hunt for John turns up something that Dean never thought he'd find, his brother. And Sammy is messed up! A long winding story that had me guessing from the very start. Where was Sammy, what is going on, why is he being held? The ( ... )


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