Title: You Better Start Swimming Author: FogsRollingIn Summary:Sam is abducted - kidnapped - for a month by a teacher who knows about the demon blood inside Sam. Sam and Dean struggle to stay afloat -and stick together- after the trauma. Anachronistic chapters, but still very easy to follow. Sam is 12, Dean 16/17. Genre/Pairing:SPN Gen Sam, Dean, John Type of hurt: Kidnapped, hospitalization, grief , angst, attempted suicide Why are you rec'ing this story? Great story of hurt wee!Sam! Anything else we should know?
Author: FogsRollingIn
Summary:Sam is abducted - kidnapped - for a month by a teacher who knows about the demon blood inside Sam. Sam and Dean struggle to stay afloat -and stick together- after the trauma. Anachronistic chapters, but still very easy to follow. Sam is 12, Dean 16/17.
Genre/Pairing:SPN Gen Sam, Dean, John
Type of hurt: Kidnapped, hospitalization, grief , angst, attempted suicide
Why are you rec'ing this story? Great story of hurt wee!Sam!
Anything else we should know?
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