Title: Degeneration Author: lanri Summary:In which Sam turns into a kid and Dean flails a lot. Genre/Pairing:SPN Gen Sam, Dean Type of hurt: De-aged Sam, angst, crying, wtich Why are you rec'ing this story?An awesome de-aged Sammy story set in season 7 with leviathans and Nick(Lucifer). Lots of angsty, hurt Sam Anything else we should know?on AO3 so can be downloaded
Author: lanri
Summary:In which Sam turns into a kid and Dean flails a lot.
Genre/Pairing:SPN Gen Sam, Dean
Type of hurt: De-aged Sam, angst, crying, wtich
Why are you rec'ing this story?An awesome de-aged Sammy story set in season 7 with leviathans and Nick(Lucifer). Lots of angsty, hurt Sam
Anything else we should know?on AO3 so can be downloaded
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