SPN Gen Holiday Wishlist Info

Nov 03, 2011 01:42

Just a quick intro before I get to the good stuff - the ever-wonderful roshni06 and I are your new mods here. roshni06 will have more info to share with you all later - she's currently slaving away updating tags, the comm bio, affiliates and all that good stuff.

I'm playing with the banner and such, but I'm sure some of you know why I'm really here - and yes, that's to make you make each other pretty things. There are so many ways to go about that, but since 'tis nearly the season for giving we settled on starting out with some casual wish list style fun.

So there are no formal sign-ups, you don't have to give something to get something or visa versa though obviously the more that is given, the more people get. If you want to play, all you have to do is comment to the wishlist post with something(s) you want. We're not giving away ponies or world peace, but you may request any SPN gen desires you have - a certain fic you'd like to see, a certain piece of art or vid, etc.

If you see a desire you can fill just reply to that person's comment and get to work. Wishes will be accepted through the month of November. Fills can be posted from now until December 31st. Fills should be posted as their own posts to the comm, but you can also include a link to the work in reply to the requester's comment so they're sure to see it.

Just go to this post to make your requests or claim your prompts.

Questions? Comments? Eggnog and cookies? Leave them all right here.

challenge: wish_list-2011, annoucements, admin

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