Want to stuff
thunder_nari's stocking with drabbles, ficlets, art, icons, good wishes, etc?
This is the place to do it. Comments will be screened until Dec 25th.
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thunder_nari'Ships: Gabriel/Castiel, Gabriel/Jimmy, Gabriel/Castiel/Sam, Gabriel/Dean, Jimmy/anyone, Richard/Misha
Fic Likes: Au's, dark!fic, hurt/comfort, fever/hypothermia fic, mpreg, fledgling angels, pre-series fics, heaven based fics, fallen!angels, wings, broken wings, grace-sex, angels as slaves/pets, plot before porn
Fic Dislikes: uh...there isn't anything I won't read except daddy kink.
Anything Extra: Uh... Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy. Anything you want to make, I'll be more than thrilled with!
Prompts: dog park, tinsel on wings, snow storm, advent calender, snowshoeing, an ice field in Heaven, change (feel free to use or not use as you like)