Halloween 5+1

Oct 31, 2010 20:54

Title: 5 Time Crowley's Demon Nature Was Obvious, and 1 Reason Bobby Still Hadn't Ganked Him
Author: madwriter223
Rating: R
Genre: Romanse, slightly Domestic.
Pairing: Bobby/Crowley, established
Spoilers: None (I'm ignoring A Weekend At Bobby's)
Warnings: Mention of violence and implied smex.
Author's Note: Written for a prompt from the Bobby/Crowley Meme. Also, this is my official Halloween Special. Enjoy, and have fun Trick or Treating!

1: Dealing with Stress

Bobby resisted the urge to roll his eyes when Crowley waved at him. He stayed where he was, standing just outside of the doorway, and hefted his shotgun onto his shoulder, surveying the mess inside.

Bits of ripped apart bodies littered all around, here and there a skinless carcass peaked out of the carnage. Blood covered the whole floor, bits of the walls and some dripped from the ceiling. Or, to be more exact, from a dismembered head and leg stapled to the ceiling.

And in the middle of it all stood Crowley, grinning smugly and covered from head to toe in blood.

“So this is what you do to relieve stress.” Bobby said, raising an eyebrow.

“You should try it.” Crowley sighed in satisfaction, then walked over to the hunter.

“Feeling better?”


“Great. Go hose off or you're walking back.”

Crowley rolled his eyes, but nodded, walking outside.

Bobby watched him go, then looked back at the bloody mess. Eh, one demon nest down, at least.

2: Work

“And where do you think you're going?”


“Work, huh?”

“Being the King of the Crossroads has its obligations. And if you're going to pout, I can assure you it is not for making deals today.”

“It's collecting on the deals, ain't it?”

“Look how smart you are.”

“Shut up. What's the deal?”

“One million dollars in quarters.”

“...you're shitting me.”

“I am not. From what I know, he was on a real arcade high at that time.”

“...how old was he?”

“Eight, I think.”

“How'd he even know how to summon you?”

“Apparently, mommy was a witch, and he nicked one of her books. Stupid move on her part, leaving them just laying about.”

A rub to temples. “So he's what, eighteen now? He's still a kid!”

“Actually, he's twenty eight. He got twenty years as a bonus due to his age.”

“Great. He's still getting dragged to Hell by HellHounds.”

“That is a common misconception. It's the demon that takes the soul, the HellHound just separates it from the body.”


“Quite. I've decided I'll take the pup for this one, let him get some practice down, you know?”

Loud barking.

“So, to get his soul, you don't have to use a HellHound on him.”

“Not really, but look how excited he is! Who's a good monster? Yes, you are!”

“That will never stop being creepy.”

“Deal with it, Bobby-muffin.”

“Shut it. So you could just kill him with, I dunno, a car?”

“Theoretically, but it would take longer. Besides, it would break Rodimus' little black heart, he's so looking forward to his first kill.”

“Kill him with a car.”

“Now, Robert-”

“The car, Crowley.” A pause. “For me, I'm curious if it'll even work.”

“...fine, I'll kill him with a car. Don't wait up.”

03: Interacting with Other People

“A brawl at the Moses bar in Small Currents, Ohio resulted in thirty-four men severely injured, and ten in a coma. The local police enforcement claim they have never seen such wanton violence. After the fight extended onto the street, stopping traffic and causing four accidents, the sheriffs from the neighboring counties were called for assistance. This is the first time in national history, a fight this large broke out in a town with a population under one thousand.”

Bobby turned off the TV, then looked over at Crowley, expression thoughtful. “Didn't you have some business in Ohio yesterday?”

“I'm sure I don't know what you mean. I made Italian pasta in wine-sauce, want some?”

“...yeah, alright.”

04: Intimate Relations

Bobby stopped mid-lick, and lifted himself onto his knees, glaring at the demon. “Yah wanna run that by me again?”

“Are your ears not what they used to be, luv?”

Bobby's glare intensified.

“What?” Crowley shrugged, running one hand across the hunter's chest. “I just thought it'd be a nice change to skip that whole lube business today.”

That's what Bobby thought he had heard. “You want to fuck me dry?”

Crowley chuckled. “No, I want you to fuck me dry. Sometimes demons like some pain with their lovin'.”

“Never say that again.”

Crowley threw his arms up in frustration. “What is your deal this time? It's not hurting anybody.”

Bobby growled, and fisted his hand in the demon's hair. He yanked on it till their faces were close together, then hissed. “No way am I gonna rape you when I can have your ass prepared and willing.”

Crowley snorted. “Please, like that's possible. A human aping a demon results in a nasty case of crotch rot, effective from the first thrust.”

Bobby blinked, then winced. “Ouch.”

“Exactly. But don't worry, I'll always be willing for your big hunter-cock, lube or no lube.”

Bobby scowled. “Lube or no 'hunter-cock'.”

“Fine. But do that growly thing again, I so love that.”

The hunter rolled his eyes, and complied.

5: Taste in Movies

When Bobby came home from the grocery store, he was almost surprised to see Crowley reclining on his couch. His shirt open and his tie loosened, the knot hanging next to a perky nipple. His legs were crossed, one foot twirling lazily in the air.

“Hey.” Bobby said gruffly, then went to the kitchen. He placed the shopping bags on the table, then grabbed a beer from the fridge. Next he went to the living room, and sat down next to Crowley. The demon then proceeded to drape himself over the hunter.

“What's up?” Bobby asked, taking a swing of his beer. He was more than used to demonic mood swings.

“Oh, nothing. Just thought we should spend some quality time together.” Crowley purred, unbuttoning the human's shirt, and nuzzling at his collarbone.


“Oh, no reason. Just that today is the most romantic day of the human year, the day when everyone can be with who they want, do what they want in the bedroom...”

Bobby blinked. “Today is Halloween, not Valentine's Day.” he pointed out, making no move to push the demon away from where he was licking up his neck.

“Tomayto, tomahto.” Crowley pressed a quick kiss to Bobby's lips, then moved over to nibble on an ear. “I brought some movies, just to help us get into the mood, and some liquid chocolate for later.” The last word was purred, the demon's warm breath ghosting across the hunter's cheek.

Bobby glanced at the DVDs on the coffee table. “Those are all the parts of Saw.”

“If you'd prefer, we could watch that comedy I watched last week.”

“That 'comedy' is the sickest, most disturbing movie ever filmed.” Bobby said, setting his beer aside, and turning to face the demon.

“Then what do you propose?”

“How about we fuck the movies, and just fuck.”

“Sounds brilliant. Race you.”

+1: Late at Night

Some nights were worst than others. When Bobby just lay in his bed, and stared at the ceiling. Wishing for sleep, wishing for a drink, wishing to just damn well forget all the death he had seen. All the people he couldn't help or save. All the monster things and fuglies he had fought.

Some nights, the nightmares wouldn't let him rest. Other nights, the memories refused to let him fall asleep.

Being a hunter sometimes sucked.

Suddenly, a familiar body pressed against his side, snuggling close as a head lay down on his chest.

“Tough night, luv?”

“Crowley, I'm not in the mood to deal with you.” Bobby muttered, rubbing a tired hand across his face.

“Then stop wallowing in self-pity and close your eyes already. You could definitely do with some beauty sleep.”

Bobby growled in annoyance, and sat up, dislodging the demon. He then went into a lengthy rant about damn arrogant assbutts, fucking insane demons, and eventually into the supernatural in general, stupid civilians always getting in the way of a hunt included.

When he finally run out of anger to be voiced, Crowley cocked his head to the side, one brow raised in amusement. “Are you done?”

Bobby huffed, and nodded once.

“Wonderful.” Crowley pushed roughly at the human's chest, forcing him to lay back down. Then he lay himself once again against the hunter's side, and closed his eyes with a soft sigh.

Bobby blinked at him in bemusement, then yawned widely, suddenly more than tired.

With a mental shrug, he wrapped one arm around the demon's waist, and closed his eyes, his mind quieting down obediently. He listened to the soft sounds of Crowley breathing, concentrating on the warm weigth pressed against him, letting it lull him to sleep.

It's surprising what perks living with a demon had. Besides the mind-blowing sex, that is.

character: bobby, type: fic, character: crowley, rating: r

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