Round 5 Posting Schedule

Mar 10, 2014 09:29

Round 5 Posting Schedule is here! The following details posting dates from May 5-29. Friday, May 30 is the free-for-all, last-chance posting for anyone to finish/post their contributions if they were unable to make their scheduled date.

As a reminder, drafts are due Sun, April 20. For more info about draft submissions, see this post. We WILL be reposting much of this info as the time nears.

Monday, May 5
linvro21 & shifterkrooi: The Transporter [fic&art]
brutti_ma_buoni: Bridesmaids [fic]
songoftheroad: Harry and Max [fic]

Tuesday, May 6
omens: Coraline [art]
moonliteknight: Minutemen [fic]
backrose_17: Aladdin [fic]
cocoakisses_26: Ghosts of Girlfriends Past [art&video]

Wednesday, May 7
alezig & ashtraythief: Jurassic Park [fic]
51stcenturyfox: Grease [fic]
hugemind: Convoy [fic]

Thursday, May 8
hybridshade: Inception [fic]
i_o_r_h_a_e_l: Elope [fic]

Friday, May 9
comedicdrama: Frozen [art]
dugindeep: The American President [fic]
etoile_etiolee: L'assassin jouait du trombone [fic]
ramblin_rosie: The Great Race [fic]

Monday, May 12
cydsa: Two Weeks Notice [fic]
cherie_morte: The Wizard of Oz [fic]
comedicdrama: Pacific Rim [art]
soserendipity & amber1960: Hero [fic&art]

Tuesday, May 13
morrezela: The 10th Kingdom [fic]
xdarlingnickyx: Your Sister's Sister [fic]
angelzfurys: Kinky Boots [fic]

Wednesday, May 14
raise_the_knife: How to be a Serial Killer [fic]
alaniesanar: The Fifth Element [fic]
buzy069: Hunger Games [art]
stolen_voices: The Other Boleyn Girl [fic]

Thursday, May 15
selecasharp & lightthesparks: Tremors [fic&art]
ephermeralk & alexisjane: Warm Bodies [fic&art]
locknkey: Rise of the Guardians [fic]

Friday, May 16
riyku: Twister [fic]
hybridshade: The Watchmen [fic]
beelikej: Team America: World Police [art]
anactoria: The Thing [fic]

Monday, May 19
tebtosca & siennavie: 40-Year-Old Virgin [fic&art]
indiachick & soserendipity: Stalker [fic&art]
homo_pink: Elvis and Anabelle [fic]
littlepistols: Breakfast at Tiffany's [fic&art]

Tuesday, May 20
ldyghst: Winter's Tale [art&audio]
jalu2: Pulp Fiction [fic]
sammycolt24: Free Willy 2 [art]
broompeople: The Family Man [fic]

Wednesday, May 21
brutti_ma_buoni: The Sting [fic]
sammycolt24: Spirited Away [art]
jalu2: Fight Club [fic]
cassiopeia7:The Birds [art]

Thursday, May 22
backrose_17: The Avengers [fic]
twoboys2love: Womb [fic]
anointed_queen: TiMER [fic]
colls: The A-Team [art]

Friday, May 23
2blueshoes: The Birdcage [art]
yohkobennington: Jumper [fic]
hunters_retreat: Priest [fic]
ju4jen: Thunderheart [fic]

Monday, May 26
sinnerforhire: Tuck Everlasting [fic]
ladyarcherfan3: The Ghost and the Darkness [fic]
sylvia_locust: The Secret World of Ariety [audio]
selecasharp & pixymisa, lightthesparks: Aliens [fic&art]

Tuesday, May 27
firesign10: Pretty Woman [fic]
nanoks: Lie with Me [art]
rosereddawn: To Have and Have Not [fic]
chickcheney & containerpark: Reservoir Dogs [fic&art]

Wednesday, May 28
tipsy_kitty: The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover [fic]
zubeneschamali: The Hunt for Red October [fic]
brokenhighways: Sharknado [fic]
morrezela: Bambi [fic]
cherie_morte: Pacific Rim [fic]

Thursday, May 29
amber1960: King of Hearts [fic]
raise_the_knife: The Hitcher [fic]
a_starfish: Stargate [art]
obsidianromance: Sweet November [fic]

Friday, May 30

.posting schedule, .mod post, round 5

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