When I See an Elephant FlyAuthor:
zubeneschamaliMovie Prompt: Dumbo
Pairing: J2
Rating: PG-13
Word Count or Media: 15,505
Summary: Jensen rescues a captive were-elephant from the circus, but the story doesn't end there. Jared has to adjust to being human again, and then there's the fact that the circus might not let him go so easily…
Notes:I asked my Twitter feed what I should do for
spn_cinema, and
tebtosca promptly said, "Dumbo with were-elephant!Jared." I can't resist an unusual were prompt, so I was doomed. This is only based on the movie to the extent that there is an elephant named Dumbo who can fly, so don't worry if you're not familiar with the story. Elephant-sized thanks to
fiercelynormal who doesn't go here anymore but was still willing to beta for me. I guess I know what she likes. ;)
LJ |