Tons of animated snow, painted-on Santa hats, and a touch of coloured lights. Also, there's one Wincest-ish icon, but it's completely g-rated and intentionally left vague whether it's for or against Dean/Sam slash. I just couldn't resist putting a mistletoe in the scene!
Supernatural Christmas Animations
All bases from
Hollow Art. This set also available at my
insanejournal icons comm.
01. You may hotlink these if you really want to; they're on imgur.
02. Please credit
sonicanomaly or empireants @ insanejournal for the icons and for the bases in the comment of each icon taken. Example:
sonicanomaly, base by
03. Comments are not required, but I love them anyway.
04. Feel free to edit if you want to, just credit me for the original.
05. Enjoy!