Fic: Prisoner of Love (20/?)

Mar 26, 2014 16:10

Title: Prisoner of Love
Author: snowin_you
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Spoilers: None
Warnings: M/M non-con situations, coarse languages, violence, explicit sexual content
Summary: Destiel Prison AU. Castiel is a new convict and a new cellmate to a dormant Dean Winchester, who turns savage in the dead of the night. Amidst a mess of twisted fate, misunderstandings and wrong decisions, they find themselves confined to prisons within prisons of their own weaknesses.

Chapter Summary: Castiel meets his new family and receives a new task.

[ Read on AO3 / LiveJournal ]

pairing: castiel/dean, genre: slash, type: fic

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