A Very Big Pretzel Christmas

Nov 29, 2015 18:54

No, the mods here at haven’t forgotten about the holidays, and how much our community loves to express themselves in someway this time of year.

So today we are introducing the first of two holiday celebrations

A Very Big Pretzel Christmas

Drabble Challenge!

We'll have two teams: Team Eggnog and Team Carolers.

Team Eggnog's challenge will be to focus their drabbles on anything to do with holiday food and drink, in an SPN fashion of course (wee- Sam leaving cookies out for Santa, Castiel wondering about gingerbread houses, Dean baking, etc)

Team Carolers’ challenge will be to focus their drabbles on anything to do with holiday singing and outdoor activities (Castiel on ice skates, Dean holiday mix tape, Bobby’s annual caroling outing, etc)

Other typical holiday activities such as decorating, visiting Santa, gift giving, holiday movies, etc are up for grabs by either team.

We are also including graphics/art as part of the challenge. So any original art work, or a photo/image that has been manipulated in some way and is the poster's original work (like photo shopping Sam and Dean into a snowball fight will count as entry toward your team. One image per entry and images wider than 600 must be behind a cut.

If you wish to participate, just sign up here in the comments by Saturday, December 5th, indicating which team you prefer to be placed with. Teams will be decided on a first-come, first-serve basis and while we will try to get you on the team you want to be on, there may be adjustments we'll have to make in order to make the teams even. Final team assignments will be given out on Sunday, December 6th and the challenge will begin on Monday December 7th.

After you have been assigned a team, then it's time to write and post as many 100 word drabbles/produce as many graphics as you can by midnight, Monday, December 21, 2015. Use your team's tag when posting so that all of your team's posts can be tallied together at the end of the competition.

The team with the most drabbles/graphics will win.

You may write about any character in Supernatural within your team's focus (be creative) so long as your posts reflect the spirit of spn_bigpretzel and are light, funny, or schmoopy in nature.

Get ready to Drabble!

(and tomorrow, look for our other holiday celebration)

holiday drabble challenge, challenges, mod post, team eggnog, holiday art challenge, team carolers

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