Halloween Reverse Micro Bang Fic: Shady Lady

Nov 02, 2014 12:12

TITLE: Shady Lady
CHARACTERS: Sam and Dean
WARNINGS: If you're super easily grossed out, this may bother you. Some gore, bodily fluids, and mild cursing.
SPOILERS: Nothing really. The time frame is most vague, but post season six for supernatural beings of choice and references Dean's allergy.
WORDS: 2500ish
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Inspired by this lovely image from just_ruth:

Cases had been a bit few and far between, so the Winchester brothers found themselves jumping at all opportunities even remotely weird. Thus, they found themselves heading to a small Oregon town where wildlife and the occasional farm animal or two were being found eviscerated by "really freaking huge claws," as the sheriff had so elequently put it in an interview with the local paper. They probably wouldn't have gotten involved at all if there hadn't been a human victim--a rather shifty local suspected of poaching that didn't seem to be much missed.

"Could be something natural, like a rogue bear or something," Sam mused.

"We should be so lucky!" Dean scoffed. "If it's a pagan cult, it's your turn to be almost sacrificed."

"The stories said 'eviscerated,' right? If the hearts are missing it could be werewolves."

"Maybe. Could also be black dogs or chupacabras, I suppose."

"Guess we'll just have to wait and see?"


Since the park service, local police, and sheriff's office were all already involved, they decided to use aliases of biologists from the University of Montana--close enough to know the wildlife but far enough that hopefully nobody could call their bluff. Such credentials wouldn't get them into the city morgue, but they could and did weasel their way into the animal equivalent.

An animal control staff member showed them the remains of an elk. "It's out of season, so we have to treat the remains like an incident of poaching," she explained.

Most of the animal's stomach was just gone--"really freaking huge claws" indeed!

"This kill was found after Mr. Grimes' body?" Sam asked. Most supernatural things didn't go back to critters after their first taste of human.

"Yup. Two days after."

"And his corpse was also..."

"Mutilated?" She shrugged. "I didn't see it, but I heard his neck was broken--darn near had his head on backward according to my friend Phyllis at the hospital. He had lots of weird punctures and some broken bones, but nothing was missing."

Suddenly, the radio clipped to her belt let out a burst of static followed by a nervous voice. "Uh, Violet? You'll never believe the call we just got..."

"Spit it out, Gary." Violet didn't seem troubled by Sam and Dean listening in on the conversation.

"Someone left an elk liver on a front porch out on Rustic Avenue. Cops think it might be related to all the dead animals."

Well, that was a new twist!


Sam and Dean decided to split up to cover more ground. Sam went with Violet to look at the porch liver, and Dean went with Gary to see the area where all the bodies had been turning up.

"So, Gary," Dean made conversation as they trekked through heavy underbrush, "do you have any theories about what's behind this?"

"No clue, man," Gary answered, eyes fearfully scanning the bushes, "but I'd sure rather not run into it myself!"

They stumbled into a clearing where a few bedraggled bits of crime scene tape still clung to a few branches.

"This is where they found Sid Grimes." Gary gestured at a small embankmemt about ten or twelve feet high. "Looks like he fell from there."

"So his death was accidental?"

"Well, I guess it could have been..." Gary leaned in conspiratorially. "Thing is, with the damage and the spot where he landed, he had to be running full tilt when he hit the edge."

"Are there a lot of things around here worth running from?"

"Every once in a while we get a mountain lion or a bear, but it's usually just an unconfirmed sighting."

"How about unusually?"

"We've been getting a lot of reports lately of a big, black-"


"Cat, actually."

"Like a panther?

"If you can believe it, they say it's giant, like bigger than a horse." Gary shook his head and chuckled. "Maybe they found some mushrooms out here, but the injuries sure look a lot like what my Nana's cat used to do to rats in the barn."

Dean gave the area a cursory look, but nothing jumped out as odd. "All the animals were found near here as well?"

"Yeah. The area's tighter than the typical range we'd expect for a large predator. I'm kind of surprised this was our first human, this being so close to town."

"What?" The drive out had taken almost half an hour, and Dean hadn't seen many signs of civilization.

"There's a housing development just over that ridge." Gary gestured in the direction from which Sid would have come running. "Come to think of it, it's the one with Rustic Avenue."


Sam watched as Violet carefully confirmed the liver as being animal in origin and bagged the organ. The understandably upset homeowner studiously did not watch.

"Are we in danger?" she asked. "Should we take this as a threat? I mean after Mr. Grimes..." The dead man had lived two houses down the block.

"We'll keep a car patrolling the neighborhood," a police officer promised, "but there's no reason to suspect you've been targeted."

Sam noticed a teenage girl peering out from behind the living room curtains, but she quickly disappeared again. He got just enough of a glimpse to see that she didn't look nearly as upset as her mother.

"You would think I'd be used to this," the frazzled woman mumbled.

"Why is that?" Sam inquired. It seemed like a very odd thing to say.

"My daughter's cat used to leave pieces of things for us. I haven't seen that cat in days--poor thing probably got herself eaten."


After a quick dinner and note comparison at the local greasy spoon, Dean took Sam back out to the woods in case he might notice something Dean hadn't considered.

"Are you sure we should be out here so close to nightfall?"

Dean snorted but put a hand to his gun. "Keep your eyes open--there's rumors of a giant cat."

Sam cocked his head to one side when he noticed an odd rumbling. "Do you hear purring?"

Both brothers tensed and slowly turned to look behind them, finding themselves nose to nose with a black cat the size of a bus.

The giant feline batted Sam away like a feather, launching him into the underbrush. It tackled Dean, curiously sniffing at his clothes and face.

"N-nice huge kitty," Dean started to speak before his face scrunched up and he let out a massive sneeze. The cat proceeded to lick his face. "Ow! Geez! Back off before you take off all the skin!" The cat purred some more and began to knead with the spare tire-sized paw on Dean's abdomen. The hunter froze, hoping to avoid stab wounds from the scythe-like claws. Now the wounds on Grimes made sense--this thing had played with him!

Sam had managed to get back on his feet. "Hey," he tried to draw the cat's attention, "shoo!" He was utterly ignored.

"Just run, Sam!" Dean urged. The cat nuzzled him and turned its tongue to Dean's hair.

"I'm not leaving you here!" Sam insisted. At a loss for what else to do, he fired his gun into the air. The cat bolted and he hurried over to his prone brother. "You okay?"

"Sab," Dean answered with a sniffle, "I'b got a plad, but first we need addihistameeds...and a laser."


Sam tossed a bag with a brand new laser pointer to Dean, who was looking much better after a good dose of allergy medication. Apparently giant cat dander was even more irritating that the regular kind.

"Yeah, thanks." Dean ripped open the packaging and put in the batteries.

"Please tell me this plan involves more than just distracting that thing with a red dot."

Dean rolled his eyes. "I would have gone for a paper bag, but I don't think we could find one big enough. Anyway, while I was pinned under Gigantocat, I got a good look at the license tag. 'Shady' lives on Rustic Avenue."

"I'm guessing I know which house on Rustic," Sam proposed. "They got left a liver and their cat is missing."

"Smells witchy to me," Dean grumbled.

"There's definitely magic involved," Sam agreed, "but let's not jump to any conclusions. It's late tonight--we can ask questions tomorrow."


The teenage girl answered the door, which saved time because she was the one Sam really wanted to question.

"Hi," Sam greeted her in his friendliest "don't worry, you can trust me" voice, "I was here yesterday when the liver was collected?"

"Yeah?" She glowered at them suspiciously. "What about it?"

"We're biologists form the University of Montana, and we wanted to ask you about animal activity in the area."

"Sure you are." She started to close the door.

Dean had long since given up on maintaining a cover story. "The spell didn't work like you thought it would, did it?"

She gnawed her lip, and Sam sensed an opening. "We might be able to help you fix it." That turned out to be the magic phrase.

After checking to make sure no one was watching, she ushered them into the living room. She introduced herself as Stacie and explained that her mother was at work.

"No offense," Dean remarked, "but you're being awfully trusting about the whole magic thing."

"After what I saw in the woods that afternoon?" She shook her head, eyes wide. "You could tell me you were the magic police and I'd probably buy it."

"Tell us what happened," Sam encouraged.

"It all kind of started with Mr. Grimes, actually. I adopted Shady from the animal shelter, and I tried to keep her inside, but she always got out anyway." Stacie sighed. "Mr. Grimes was always complaining about her going in his yard and scratching the paint on his car when she'd nap on the hood. He said he was going to turn her into a pair of slippers, and everyone knows he liked killing stuff for fun!

"Anyway, I was at the library, researching folklore of the Middle Ages for school, and I found this book that talked about using the power of nature. I didn't think it would really work! I just thought I might feel better, you know, power of positive thinking and all that?" Sam just nodded, though Dean rolled his eyes. "Well, I put Shady in her carrier, brought the cream like it said, and found a toadstool ring-"

"'Power of nature' my ass!" Dean growled. "This is freaking fairies!"

"Seriously?" Stacie asked with a squeak.

"Please," Sam asked after elbowing Dean none too gently in the ribs, "continue your story."

"I read the words and this lady appeared and asked what I wanted. I said that I wanted my cat to be safe from my jerk of a neighbor. She said she could do that, and all of a sudden, Shady was like twelve feet tall and running off into the woods and that weird lady was just gone!"

"She didn't make you promise your firstborn son or anything?"

"What? No!"

Sam had Stacie describe and write down the location of the toadstool ring, along with the enchantment from the book. They promised they would see what they could do and made a stop at the closest Gas 'N Sip for a carton of cream and some more allergy meds.


"This is the stupidest plan I have ever heard," Sam insisted for about the fiftieth time.

"Which is why it will probably work!" Dean snapped back. "Now hush, and keep an eye out for the giant cat of doom."

As if on cue, the titanic cat bounded out of the trees. Dean calmly held the laser pointer in one hand and ran the red dot, surprisingly visible on dead leaves and tree bark, across the forest floor and up a few tree trunks. Shady manically chased her target, massive claws digging furrows in the dirt as she swiftly changed directions. Sam could only gape in disbelief as the cat was worn down, eventually flopping on one side, breathing heavily.

The brothers cautiously approached, but Shady simply mewled loudly and rolled onto her back. Sam obligingly used both hands to scratch her giant, fuzzy chin.

"Now what?"

"Now we get our Shady lady here back to the toadstool ring, summon whatever fey douchebag did this, and make them fix it."

"You make that sound so easy, Dean."

"Quit being such a negative Nancy, Sam." Dean waited for Shady to roll back over and pulled himself up onto her back by hooking one forearm beneath her collar. He gestured for Sam to join him. "Think of it like Baby with fur and legs."

Sam skepticalky seated hiself next to Dean. The cat was quite plush, really, and the rumbling purring did kind of remind him of the car. "How do we steer?"

Dean brandished the laser again.


After a harrowing and very fast ride where they both clung for dear life and Sam did his best to yell directions, they found themselves finally at the toadstool ring.

"Let's never do that again," Sam proposed in total seriousness.

"I thought it was kind of a rush." Sam frowned murderously. "Okay, okay! What are the odds we'll ever run into another giant cat, anyhow?"

Shady curled up and promptly went to sleep, a fact for which both brothers were grateful since it meant they could deal with the fairy as a team without worrying about one of them having to keep an eye on her.

Sam pulled the carton of cream and a folded paper with the enchantment on it out of his pocket. He placed the cream inside the ring, careful not to fully enter himself, and read the words. Nothing seemed to happen. "Maybe I read it wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Dean asked. "She's right there." He pointed to the middle of the ring. "She's making a face at the cream."

The fairy removed her glamour so Sam could also see her. "Rats," she grumbled, "looks like you've dealt with us before." She picked up the carton and sighed. "Once upon a time we were gifted rich, fresh cream, warm and straight from the source."

"Boo hoo," Dean retorted sarcastically. "You'll just have to deal. Now, are you going to fix the cat, or what?"

The fairy shrugged. "I suppose. She did her job." When they both looked puzzled, the fairy elaborated. "'Mr. Grimes' was one of ours. He crossed over without permission ages ago after some unsavory killing in our realm. It's pure luck he happened to get on the wrong side of that young lady with access to a summoning ritual." She snapped her fingers and Shady was suddenly normal-sized and still sleeping peacefully. "I don't suppose there's anything I could do for either of you while I'm here?"

"No!" They answered vehemently and in unison. The fairy shrugged and disappeared.

"Huh. That almost seemed too-"

"Don't even say it!" Sam cut off his brother. "Let's just be grateful it's over."

Dean scooped up the cat and immediately sneezed on her. "Ugh... I'm out of meds again. How far is it back to Stacie's?"

"It's gonna seem a lot longer on foot than it did on catback."


sam, fic: gen, rating: pg, dean, halloween micro bang, author:zelda_adict

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