Halloween Micro Bang - The Great Pumpkin for Amber1960

Oct 31, 2014 11:20

Title: The Great Pumpkin 2: Return of the Season of the Witch's Revenge

Author: Twisted_Slinky

Artist: Amber1960

Rating: PG-13 (for some language)

Wordcount: ~1600

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, and I'm not making any money off this fanwork.

Summary: "Why the hell do we look like friggin' cabbage kids, Sammy?" "Because witches, Dean. And is that pumpkin staring at us? I'm pretty sure that pumpkin is staring at us."

rating: pg, art: gen, dean, sam, author:twisted_slinky, fic: gen, artist:amberdreams, halloween micro bang, crack

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