One Year On ...

Jul 27, 2013 19:49

Well, it's one year to the day since the opening ceremony of our fabulous London Olympic Games, and I'm still pining for that excitement and fun and general feel-good atmosphere!

My muse, like those amazing athletes, was somewhat hyperactive during the Olympics and so, in an act of unashamed nostalgia, I present my very own triathlon of Olympic-themed drabbles to mark the occasion.  (No spoilers, no warnings).


Rating: K+
Genre: Humour
Word Count: 100

Now, we all know those Winchester boys are fit, strong and athletic, they can wrestle a fugly with the best of them and fire a mean weapon. This got me to thinking, with the Olympics upon us, which other sports would they be worth a gold medal at?

So I asked the question.

And kinda wish I hadn't …

So boys, my readers are wondering if you've tried any of these sports?

High Jump?

Yeah, we're for it all the time.


With our luck, life's one long Friday the Thirteenth; we face hurdles every day.

Rhythmic Gymnastics?

*Dean smirks*


You've seen the size of some of Dean's burgers, right?


That's Sam after too much beer.


You ever tried sleeping in the Impala?

Three day event?

Is that the weekend Casa Erotica marathon?


No; we'd never touch stolen goods ...

Well, not unless we had to.


*Dean smirks again*


This is Dizzojay, *sighs*, giving up on having a sensible conversation.




Rating: K+
Genre: Humour
Word Count: 100

Winning a gold medal is easy; you've just gotta have the right, uh, motivation.


One hundred metres in three seconds

At least, that's what it felt like.

Dean swayed giddily, gun slipping from his sweaty fingers as he gasped for breath.

Well, suppose it could've been nearer four.

Heart pounding, he doubled over, convinced his lungs were exploding.

Okay, let's say five seconds, just to be sure.

It should be him standing proudly up there in London, blubbering along to the Star Spangled Banner with a gold medal round his neck.

He could easily compete with those fit dudes.

Especially when he'd just had three hundred pounds of mangy, slavering waheela snapping ravenously at his ass.




Rating: T
Genre: Humour
Word Count: 200

A motel with a pool is a rare treat for the boys ... it's easy to get carried away in the excitement.  Cue the king of the high board and a very enthusiastic commentator.


... and the aquatic centre falls silent as Dean Winchester, the USA's gold medal hope here in the 10m platform diving steps onto the high-board.

This man is a living embodiment of the Olympian ideal; a perfectly sculpted, god-like creature. One could imagine him hewn out of marble as he stands motionless on the edge of the board, silently fortifying himself for his dive.

My word, such utter perfection made flesh; words can't do this vision before me justice. At least three over-excited female members of the crowd are receiving medical attention ooh, and a young man over there too; well I never!

He's going to be attempting the most difficult dive in history; a quadruple-and-a-half somersault with triple twist in the pike position. It's so difficult, the diving authorities haven't even worked out a points value for it yet.

Well here goes; the crowd holds its breath in rapt anticipation as the USA camp's all-American hero Dean ...

... Dean


Dean's eyes snapped open to see Sam standing beside the pool, hands planted irritably on his hips.

"Dean, will you just jump off the goddamn diving board already? There's a queue of boy scouts behind you waiting to use it."



sam, author:dizzojay, drabbles, dean

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