Spring Fic Exchange Art Claims - Let's Simple This Up

Apr 05, 2013 10:43

Don't know about you guys, but this mod's scatterbrain is totally overwhelmed with all the comments in the main claiming thread.  So...  here is a list of the claims made so far (please correct me if I'm wrong.  I would NOT be surprised).    Also, I am going to show the prompts/stories here that are yet to be claimed.  Interested artists, please make your claim on this post.

Currently there are 8 0 stories still unclaimed by artists.  ETA: Everything is claimed. YAY!

Unclaimed Stories

Author: DizzojayCLAIMED by nicole_sill
Recipient: Licklesoxy
Original Prompt: Gabriel bakes a pie. Dean thinks it is awesome.
Title: Not yet decided
Synopsis: Gabriel gifts the brothers with a pie, a magic, bottomless, cherry pie. Has he done this out of the goodness of his heart, or is there an ulterior motive? The brothers are suspicious, but Dean's belly trumps his brain every time. Dean's belly which is about to get very, very full!
Snippet: Dean's nose twitched as the aroma of the hot cherry pie drifted around the motel room, and he licked lips shining with moist anticipation as his fork hovered above it.

The glistening cherry filling oozed between fat slabs of golden, buttery pastry, and it was all Dean could do not to just slam his face into it and gorge it down without the inconvenience of table manners.

Author: just_ruth CLAIMED BY yanyann
Recipient: verucasalt
Original Prompt: Weechesters spend a summer with Pastor Jim
Title: Summer Days (yeah, I know, really original)
Synopsis: The boys spend a summer in Blue Earth
"But, Pastor, do you think this is wise?" Mary Elizabeth Norris was so typically a church lady it was an endless source of wonder to Jim.

"John Winchester is a old friend, Mrs. Norris," Jim's smile came nowhere near his eyes. "I deeply apprechiate the trust he has in me."

"Oh, of course, of course," she clucked. "I was just wondering, you have been alone for sometime and. . ."

"And I assure you, we will be just fine."

'Oh! yes, well, if we ladies can do anything for you - I understand Susan is making scalloped potatoes and . . ."

"I will gladly let you know if I need help." Jim Murphy shooed her out the door. The last thing he needed was an innundation of casseroles

Author: mandraco CLAIMED BY lylithj2
Recipient: dizzojay
Original Prompt: "2. The boys have to conduct a spell naked (okay, okay, it's more than a rumour) at a specific spot (site of a historical temple/ancient tragedy/you decide) and find that the location in which they need to do this could cause a few problems."
Title: Title? I don't know the title.
Synopsis: Um, I haven't actually started yet. Also, the main gag is something I don't want to spoil for anyone.
Snippet: *writes snippet now*
Sam looked at his brother out of the corner of his eye, thanking God once again that he was the taller brother and didn't have to worry about accidentally looking at his brother below the belt. If he just stared straight ahead all he'd be able to see would be the top of Dean's spiky hair.

Sam stepped on the bottom of his costume and tumbled to the ground. He looked up.

Damn it.

Warning: This should really only be picked by someone who is quick and doesn't mind waiting a couple weeks before starting. Otherwise, I'll do it myself. =)

Author: Vexed_wench claimed by weesta
Recipient: yanyann
Original Prompt:
1. slice of life (a.k.a. curtain fic)- cabin in the woods maybe? as detailed as you want to make it. You have no idea how much I enjoy reading about them going to get groceries or such - in length.
Title: I do that closer to the end.
Slice of life with brotherly bonding.

I apologize this is really rough RL has been crazy for me. Now it is settling down ;)

Why would Miss Gretchen Miller leave everything to Sam? It wasn't like she left him something small and trivial, no the woman left him everything. Her car, savings and home. The home it turned out was a cabin in the woods. At least that is what Sam called it before he blushed and decided his shoes were the most interesting thing in the world.

Dean whistled and raised an eyebrow in Sam’s direction. The cabin turned out to be a large log cabin with a wrap around porch. It made the nicest cabins they had stayed in before look like the crappiest of motel rooms from their most cash strapped days


Author: yanyann CLAIMED by mandraco
Recipient: jennytork
Original Prompt:
-The boys find a shooting range in the Batcave.
-Dean wakes after his fever finally breaks to find Sam has been taking care of him -- perhaps even curled next to him asleep.
-A local fair draws the boys in for a day off.

Title: don't know yet

Synopsis: Sam and Dean have a BatCave. It's big, and specious with hidden rooms. It's full of things that are important and dangerous and actually useful. Problem is that the only thing that is written on the labels are the names - and not what it does.

The path is rough and uneven, but Sam guides the Impala over mud and gravel with ease. He parks under the little garage he and Dean had started building a week ago.
It's not much, four wooden beams and a wooden roof, that still awaits a colour and weather protection coating.

Note:  The story is a combination of all 3 prompts


Author: patriciatepes Claimed by lylithj2
Recipient: gryphon2k
Original Prompt: Crowley holds a screening of a horror movie-the Exorcist, Paranormal Activity, for examples-and spends the whole time mocking it (think Mystery Science Theater if you are familiar with it). Other guests are up to you...
Title: Untitled, as of now.
Synopsis: I'll be honest, folks... I'm behind... but it would be pretty much as the prompt states, though I believe the exact movie I'm choosing is Paranormal Activity 3, and Sam, Dean, and Cas would be guests... I'm not sure of anything else beyond that.

Snippet: See above... I'm so behind, thus no snippet :(


Author: verucasalt123 Claimed by badbastion
Recipient: blackrabbit42
Original Prompt: Snowed in, playing board games.
Title: I don’t know yet :)
Synopsis: Sam/Dean - supposed to rest one night in a cabin, but get stuck because of snow and have to find ways to entertain each other. Like Scrabble. And, um. Other stuff.
Snippet: Sam wasn’t really sure what could be so bad, it’s not like someone would come and steal the car out in the middle of nowhere. That was the only thing he could think of that would have Dean so pissed at whatever was outside that window. Better cursing and yelling than sobbing and rocking back and forth on the floor, which Sam thought would probably be Dean’s reaction of anyone ever really did steal the Impala.

Until he did as he was told, and looked outside for himself. There was no way for Sam to keep himself from repeating his brother’s patented “Son of a bitch!”. Sam hated cold weather. And that was a lot of snow. Higher than the Impala’s wheel wells. He hadn’t seen snow like this in years, and Sam could have certainly been happy to go on forever like that. Looking up at a completely gray sky, no hint of sunlight, made him realize that they were, in fact, stuck here.

Author: auntmo9 CLAIMED BY licklesoxy
Recipient: tattooeddevil
Original Prompt:Besides the dead-man robe, there's also slippers and a leg-blanket and a rocking chair. Dean slowly transforms into an old man, while Sam frantically tries to find a cure.
Title:To Be Determined (This is usually one of the last things I do)
Synopsis: Gabriel faked his death and has been hiding out in Lebanon, KS. It figures those lunkheads would stumble upon his secret lair and nearly spoil everything. Before they figure out he is here though, he is going to have some fun at their expense. And Dean's current fascination with gently used vintage pajamas is providing him the perfect opportunity.
Snippet: Dean glanced down at the bottom of the closet and noticed the slippers. He could have sworn they hadn't been there before. They were grey and matched his robe. They were also fuzzy on the inside, since they were lined with sheepskin. They sure looked comfortable, real comfortable considering how much his feet had been aching lately. They hadn't even taken on a hunt in two weeks and he was as sore as if he had wrestled a rugaru. So maybe he would just take a shower, put on his robe and these slippers he found and call it a night.


Author gryphon2k, art by mamapranayama (recipient antrazi)
Author yanyann art by: mandraco (recipient jennytork)
Author jennytork, art by gryphon2K (recipient mandraco)
Author annie46, art by licklesoxy (recipient lolaann1)
Author smalltrolven, art by lightthesparks (recipient candygramme)
Author boysinperil, art by dollysdoodles (recipient twisted_slinky)
Author dizzojay, art by nicole_sill (recipient licklesoxy)
Author licklesoxy, art by patriciatepes (recipient mamapranayama)
Author just_ruth, art by  yanyann (recipient verucasalt123)
Author auntmo9, art by  licklesoxy (recipient tattooeddevil)
Author lolaann1, art by candygramme (recipient boysinperil)
Author patriciatepes, art by lylithj2  (recipient gryphon2k)
Author blackrabbit42, art by forhimxx (recipient sameuspegasus)
Author cuddyclothes, art by etoile_etiolee (recipient patriciatepes)
Author tifaching, art by just_ruth (recipient saberivojo)
Author twisted_slinky, art by twisted_slinky (recipient smalltrolven)
Author sameuspegasus, art by forhimxx (recipient just_ruth)
Author vexed_wench, art by weesta  (recipient yanyann)
Author sylvia_locust, art by gryphon2k (recipient vexed_wench)
Author tattooeddevil, art by angelus2hot (recipient sylvia_locust)
Author verucasalt123, art by badbastion (recipient blackrabbit42)
Author mamapranayama, art by lightthesparks (recipient annie46)
Author saberivojo, art by forhimxx (recipient tifaching)
Author candygramme, art by dizzojay (recipient cuddyclothes)
Author antrazi, art by twisted_slinky (recipient auntmo9)
Author mandraco, art by lylithj2 (recipient dizzojay)

mod post, fic exchange

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