Dec 24, 2012 12:47

Here it is…  the official unveiling of the authors and artists in the 1st ever spn_bigpretzel Secret Satan Fic Exchange.   Thanks to everyone who participated.  It was great fun and I hope we can do it again J

Your fics and art are yours to cross post at will!

Extra thanks to monicawoe for stepping forward and agreeing to be a pinch hit author, and to mandraco and mamapranayama for agreeing to create some pinch hit art.  You were life savers!

Oh and just to set all the participants’ minds at ease, neither Satan nor the YEK actually own any of your souls (unless you just want them to).  Lucifer is pretty powerless in the cage and he’s getting a bit delusional down there too.  The YEK is a demon!kitteh, therefore he’s smug and overly confident by nature.  No contracts were signed, so you are all safe.  But in this season of giving, I think you have made Lucifer very happy indeed.  Torture is only interesting for so long.

If you haven’t checked all of these out, please do.  There is some great fic and art.  Happy Holidays to everyone!!!

Without further ado….

Secret Satan Fic Exchange Masterlist of Authors and Artists

verucasalt123 wrote The Peter Principle for antrazi. Illustrated by patriciatepes
Summary: Maybe being promoted to King of Hell wasn’t all it was cracked up to be
Genre: Gen

sameuspegasus wrote 7 Days of Christmas for tattooeddevil. Illustrated by mandraco
Summary: It's the game of the year. Who can find the lamest present to give each other? A week long present swap running between Christmas and New Year. Who will win, Sam or Dean?
Genre: Gen

mandraco wrote Castiel's Killer Christmas Cake for candygramme and illustrated it too (overachiever).
Summary: Castiel is hopeless in the kitchen. Problems ensue.
Genre: Gen

patriciatepes wrote Letters to the North Pole for phebemarie. Illustrated by princess_schez
Summary: A disappointed Dean does the only thing he can think to do to make sure that his dad is done with his hunt by Christmas… he writes to Santa. Of course, the response he gets is anything but expected.
Genre: Gen

twisted_slinky wrote We Wish You a Merry Friggin Christmas for mandraco and illustrated it too (another overachieving overachiever)
Summary: Dean's been getting a lyric in his favorite Christmas carol wrong for years. Sam finally tells him about it, which, as it turns out, was maybe not such a good idea. A tale of Christmas-themed banter.
Genre: Gen

antrazi wrote Paperwork Discoveries for sameuspegasus. Illustrated by angeltrap
Summary: Sam didn't really have a full ride to Stanford. At some point while he is at college, he discovers that Dean has secretly been paying his tuition by modeling/acting e.g. on Dark Angel or Dawson's Creek
Genre: Gen

licklesoxy wrote Dinner X for verucasalt123. Illustrated by amber1960
Summary: You'd think whoever sorts out the invites every year would actually think before giving some out to both warmongers of the century.
Genre: Gen

tattooeddevil wrote Something for the Children (of all ages) for colls. Illustrated by gryphon2k
Summary: It is December 1986, and John is taking the boys to Bobby’s for Christmas. Sammy and Dean are excited to spend a few days with their uncle Bobby, especially after the awesome summer they had with him, and John is just looking forward to the eggnog. Apparently, so do Rufus and Ellen and Bill Harvelle with their new baby Jo. Add a small indoor pool, a little too much punch in the eggnog and someone will giggle.
Genre: Gen

stella_lost wrote To: Bobby, From: Santa’s Little Idjits for vexed_wench. Illustrated by licklesoxy
Genre: Gen

colls wrote Getting Into Trouble for licklesoxy. Illustrated by twisted_slinky
Summary: Keeping his nose out of trouble is harder than it should be. Five times Michael covered for Gabriel because he’s an awesome older brother.
Genre: Gen

candygramme wrote Angels We Have Heard On High for twisted_slinky. Illustrated by quickreaver
Summary: There's an angel on top of the Christmas tree. No, really, there's an angel on top of the Christmas tree.
Genre: Gen

tifaching wrote The Twelve Beers of Christmas for patriciatepes. Illustrated by twisted_slinky
Summary: When the company that makes the beer Sam and Dean give Bobby every year for Christmas goes out of business, they have to make adjustments.

vexed_wench wrote Christmas at Bobby's for dollysdoodles. Illustrated by mamapranayama
Summary: Wee!Sam and Wee!Dean spend Christmas with Bobby
Genre: Gen

weesta wrote No Place Like Home for the Holidays for just_ruth. Illustrated by gryphon2k
Summary: Ash hosts a holiday gathering in heaven with a special surprise.
Genre: Gen

auntmo9 wrote Wreck the Halls for weesta. Illustrated by skiing_pelican
Summary: Dean and Sam have decided to meet at Rufus’s cabin for Christmas. Dean is going to decorate the cabin before Sammy gets there. Cas wants to help.
Genre: Gen

monicawoe wrote Shepherds in Their Field for tifaching. Illustrated by mandraco
Genre: Gen

dollysdoodles wrote The Christmas Ornament for stella_lost. Illustrated by mamapranayama
Summary: Young Dean (10-ish) not jaded by their upbringing yet, tells his little brother all that he remembers about the holiday season (Thanksgiving thru New Year’s) with their mother. His memories have the cloudiness of a little boy, but maybe he remembers stuff like her throwing a snowball at him as they played in the snow waiting for John to come home. How the house smelled when she baked cookies. How he used a step stool to hang the tiny stocking that she had knit for his unborn sibling. Just a beautiful remembrance to share with his brother since he has no memories of her.
Genre: Gen

just_ruth wrote Welcome Home, Dean Winchester for azzyj and illustrated it as well.
Summary: Two years after the Apocalypse didn’t happen, friends help the Winchesters to celebrate Christmas.

phebemarie and tari_roo wrote The Merry Christmas Disputation for auntmo9. Illustrated by amber1960
Summary: While still reeling from Dean’s loss in “Survival of the Fittest”, Sam takes a temp job at a Best Buy in Pasadena, California and meets a certain Cal-Tech theoretical physicist “one lab accident away from being a super villain”.
Genre: Gen

Any mistakes, please let me know.

secret satan exchange, masterlist

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