Nov 20, 2012 08:24


Several artists mentioned that many of the fic exchange prompts could easily serve as inspiration for art.  So, artists, here's your chance!  As previously promised, this is the free-for-all.  No claiming and no rules other than keeping things within the spirit of the comm and crediting the prompter, obviously.  Multiple interpretations of the same prompt are absolutely fine, that's why there's no claiming involved. Art can be posted at any time from now until December 31.

I have scooped up all of the holiday themed prompts that weren't already being used in the exchange (let me know if I missed any/screwed up). All artists can feel free to illustrate as many of these prompts as they wish in any way that they wish.  You can do your art via photo manips, pencil, crayon, paint....  Heck, you can even knit something as long as you can take a picture of it and share it with the comm.

Here's the fun part.  Do you see those lovely calendars up there?  All artists who participate will be entered into a drawing. The winner will get the one of their choosing.  So, to help me out, please use the tag 'holiday art challenge' when posting your entries.  Don't worry writers, you'll get a crack at a pretty calendar too.

Gabriel decides to show his three older brothers what mistletoe is for. prompter:licklesoxy

The Winchesters get caught up in a Black Friday Sale.  prompter: twisted_slinky

Stanford!Sam is struck with the panic inducing realization that he's supposed to buy a girl, his Jess, a present. Crap. prompter: twisted_slinky

Sleigh bells ring, are ya listin'?' There is indeed ringing, and, oh look, stars--Dean swears that's the last time he's climbing an icy rooftop. prompter: twisted_slinky

Whatever happened to Sapphire Barbie? prompter: twisted_slinky

Ruby gives Crowley a Christmas Present. prompter: patriciatepes

Dean's search for the perfect Christmas pie dessert.  prompter: patriciatepes

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house... Balthazar's party was not even concerned with the mouse. prompter: patriciatepes

Sam stuck in a Scrooge rip off with Cas as the ghost of Christmas past. Gabriel the one of Christmas present and Lucifer as the ghost of Christmas future. (They remind me of the Mickey Mouse version of the ghosts.) prompter: vexed_wench

Becky and Garth finally get together and they celebrate their first holiday together.  prompter: vexed_wench

Sam and Dean finally retire and celebrate Christmas in their new house and their new life.  prompter: vexed_wench

John is jinxed by a witch.... to be lovable.(Insert lolz here) so the new-for-a-few-months john decides to make christmasor new eve special for his kids. they r on a break at bobby's house and the hunter comes up with some wonderful tactics that sends dean in a shock.  prompter: dollysdoodles

#teen sam and dean are lonely at a withered out motel, with their dad gone on a hunt for past few weeks. they both prepare rather special treats for each other on christmas. the gifts could be anything from miniature muscle car models for dean to big heavy encyclopedias for sam or a collection of coke botels from a broken down vending machine anything the boys do for a little shmoopiness or laughs. The money? wel may be Bobby gave them some or they stole or hustled pool or win a lottery, writer's pick. (Gen please:) prompter: dollysdoodles

#the new and improved casteil (Here I mean the lost-his-marbles Cass of later part of s8) gets an adoreble christmas gift for Meg. Wait do demons even celeberate Jesus's birth?? Could be interesting. specially if they ade the winchesters are cooped up in a ramshackle house trying to stay clear of the leviathans and Sam and Dean witness the gift exchange. (again Gen please) prompter: dollysdoodles

Domestic Fic any at the the end of the holiday where one of the boys has kids or both.  prompter: azzyj

The wee!chesters are with Pastor Jim when Bobby and John get stuck in a snow storm a few states higher up just before Christmas. They have to spend three days in a small cabin, with nothing for entertainment but each other. Cue the grumbling and growling and grousing <3 Secretly they really do love each other, honest prompter:tattooeddevil

Balthazar explains the concept of New Year's to a befuddled Castiel. What do you mean, they light the fireworks for fun? And what's with this ball dropping? Leave it up to Balthazar to show Castiel in his own special way.  prompter:tattooeddevil

The first time Sam manages to stay up late enough to watch the ball drop on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with his big brother. prompter: verucasalt123

Bobby, Rufus, Ellen and Missouri play poker using Hannukah gelt as chips. Someone has to fold because they ate all their money. prompter: verucasalt123

Dean and Sam mock each other's gift-wrapping techniques. prompter: verucasalt123

The angels argue about what really happened at the Nativity, all having their own version of events. prompter: verucasalt123

Wee!chesters- Young Dean (10-ish) not jaded by their upbringing yet, tells his little brother all that he remembers about the holiday season (Thanksgiving thru New Year’s) with their mother. His memories have the cloudiness of a little boy, but maybe he remembers stuff like her throwing a snowball at him as they played in the snow waiting for John to come home. How the house smelled when she baked cookies. How he used a step stool to hang the tiny stocking that she had knit for his unborn sibling. Just a beautiful remembrance to share with his brother since he has no memories of her. prompter: stella_lost

Dean and Sam star in a Supernatural version of “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Dean as George Bailey and Sam as either his brother Harry Bailey (or for the Wincest version, which I would adore, Sam as George’s wife, Mary). prompter: stella_lost

It’s Christmas time, but Bobby Singer is doing what he always does. Researches, offers advice, and answers the phone, pretending to be whoever he needs to be. It’s a sad existence, but somebody’s got to do it. A knock at the door . . . (up to author to introduce whoever or whatever is there that brightens Bobby’s holidays.) prompter: stella_lost

Wee!chesters- John takes the boys to a shelter for their holiday meal when he has to go deal with the creature of the week. Dean is surly and Sam nervous, but when one of the workers shows them around and they realize that their lives aren’t that bad. Cue teen!Dean snark, Sammy’s angelic helpfulness and both boys learning the true meaning of sacrifice and of giving. prompter: stella_lost

A few not-so-nice witches ruin the winter solstice. Again.  prompter: antrazi

The boys (Sam around four, Dean around 8) go to the Christmas pageant at Pastor Jim's church and he explains the nativity to them. Dean is skeptical, Sammy is fascinated  prompter: tifaching

The Christmas where John brought home the wreath made of beer cans. Dean remembers it as a good Christmas. Sam doesn't. Who's right prompter: tifaching

It's a Wonderful Life Supernatural style. How did Castiel get his wings?  prompter: phebemarie

Teenaged Dean takes a job as a department store Santa to earn money for a special gift for Sam. Dealing with temperamental toddlers is the least of his on-the-job worries.  prompter: phebemarie

The Winchesters are visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past   prompter: phebemarie

weeChesters on Christmas break either with Uncle Bobby or Pastor Jim. prompter: weesta

Dean wants to make things festive for Sam but gets into a Battle Royale with the damn blinking lights prompter: weesta

Something sweet and holiday related with John and the boys prompter: weesta

A case with a cursed sprig of mistletoe. prompter: weesta

holiday art challenge

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