phebemarie won fic from
ficwriter1966 for $20
phebemarie won art from
twisted_slinky for $20
lolaann1 won fic from
cuddyclothes for $5
tifaching won fic from
vexed_wench for $10
lolaann1 won fic from
patriciatepes for $15
rince1wind won fic from
twisted_slinky for $16
virtualpersonal won art from
patriciatepes for $20
lolaann1 won fic from
sameuspegasus for $15
ficwriter1966 won fic from
tifaching for $20
colls won fic from
tifaching for $10
tifaching won art from
carole_cc for $15
weesta won art from
mamapranayama for $5
harrigan won fic from
mamapranayama for $5
ficwriter1966 won fic from
tsubasalove87 for $10
tifaching won art from
adrianneb78239 for $15
liliaeth won fic from
candygramme for $35
tattooeddevil won jewelry from
rince1wind for $20
colls won fic from
lolaann1 for $10
lolaann1 won fic from
cordy69 for $20
lolaann1 won art from
twisted_slinky for $20
harrigan won fic from
madame_naan for $10
virtualpersonal won art from
licklesoxy for $15
virtualpersonal won art from
colls for $25
tifaching won podfic from
colls for $20
auntmo9 won fic from
jennytork for $15
auntmo9 won fic from
antrazi for $10
candygramme won fic and art from
mandraco for $20
elfgirljen won fic from
dizzojay for $5
dizzojay won art from
twisted_slinky for $15
colls won fic from
margi_lynn for $10
harrigan won fic from
tattooeddevil for $5
lavishsqualor won fic from
geckoholic for $5
ficwriter1966 won fic from
stripysockette for $10
Winners --
please head on over to's Hurricane Sandy fundraising page at and make your donation! Then confirm with the artist/writer/artisan whose work you've won that you've made your donation, using whatever method works best for the two of you. Once that's done, it's up to the talented folks who've offered their work to get their Muses busy!
Please note that for this particular fundraiser, it's not necessary to confine your fic or art to the rules of the comm (meaning, it doesn't have to be upbeat in nature, if your winning bidder would prefer something dark or angsty). We'll be putting up a post where you can link to your finished piece(s) if they're on the darker side. But if your work DOES fit the comm... FABULOUS! Feel free to cross-post it here. You're also free to cross-post to any other comms it's suitable for.
If you weren't able to offer work, or to bid, but you'd like to make a donation, please do. Or, if you don't feel the American Red Cross is a good fit for you, we encourage you to make a donation to any of the worthy organizations who are working hard to get the victims of Hurricane Sandy back on their feet. Many people are still without power, and many others have lost their homes and belongings. ANYTHING you can do to help out will be appreciated.
And on behalf of all the mods, THANK YOU to everyone who's participating in this fundraiser!