It's our first annual Summer Lovin' Reverse Mini Bang!
Here's how it goes: the artists who'd like to participate will submit a piece of art using the theme Summer Lovin'. Now, this can be "love" of any variety -- het or slash; brotherly love; parental love; love for a friend; Dean's love for his car (or PIE). Use your imagination! The style and format of the art is up to you. Use a single character, or a whole group -- it's your call!
Then, the writers who'd like to participate will hop in and claim a piece of art -- then tell a story based on that artwork. Minimum word count will be 5,000 words.
Of course, in keeping with the theme of the comm, both the artwork and the story must be upbeat in nature. And artists, once your work has been claimed and the story is underway, if you'd like to work with your author to create additional pieces of art to illustrate the story, feel free!
Here's the timeline:
Artist sign-ups: starting now!
Art posting: July 15-21
Claiming: July 22-28
Story Posting: on or about September 3 (Labor Day, the official end of summer in the US)
Sound good? Then sign up, and let's get this thing rolling!