Right, peasants. Syringe the doughnuts out of your bloody ears and listen.
Because we can all agree it’s been a completely piss-poor couple of years, (and the worst thing is, I wasn’t even involved), I’ve commandeered control of this madhouse because it’s easier to extort people out of their souls when they’re fed up I think we should end the year on a high…
It's Crowley’s Christmas Fic Exchange mark IV!
Surely, you all know the drill by now (and the first person that says ‘don’t call me Shirley’ gets exploded). By Christmas, I mean all the big mid-winter holidays which you lot feel the need to celebrate - you know, Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa ... whatever. I don't care what you celebrate, I’m just happy to enter into whatever arrangements are necessary to help you receive the gift you most want in this sorry little shindig. Yeah, I know. The indignities I suffer for a few stupid souls …
So, here's how it works:
Prompting will begin NOW and run until midnight on Sunday 5th December wherever you are in the world. Post your prompts in the comments below; remember the spirit of this place (no I don't mean a bottle of Craig), I mean the spirit of fun and fluff and sunshine.
Excuse me while I go and puke unicorn farts!
Submit up to three prompts which should be fics or art YOU would love to receive. Prompts can be gen or slash and can be as general or as specific as you like. Prompts should be Christmas/holiday related, even if it’s only tenuously. I mean … DUH!
Feel free to give guidance on your preferences too; I want to make sure you get exactly what you want so I can justify nabbing your souls make you happy. Therefore, for instance you might say:
Favourite Character: Crowley
Least favourite character: That annoyingly handsome smug git, Dean who refuses to make his dearest friends happy with one tiny harmless little kiss…
Did I say that out loud?
But anyway, I digress ...
Remember, this is an exchange, so by prompting, you are also signing up to produce something for someone else. You know, a bit like a Crossroads deal, only far more fun - you get your wish, I get your soul; but without all the waiting ten years bollocks.
One more thing I need to add. The bunch of halfwits that purport to ‘run’ this place have the organisational skills of a gnat’s arse, and so time is of the essence.
Therefore claiming of prompts will begin on Monday 6th December, and will be open only to people who have submitted prompts.
Claiming will continue for one week, (or until all prompts are claimed). I'll put up a separate post for claims because we’ll wait until Hell freezes over, and I’ve installed better furnaces just to prevent that happening again, before this motley crew does it.
Also, because we're running to a tight time schedule, the minimum word count for fic will be 500 words.
You can start producing your illiterate tripe masterpiece as soon as your claim has been granted and fics/art will be due back to me at my email address, crowleyschristmas@gmail.com by Friday 24th December. That gives you two weeks or more to do your stuff. (The sooner you claim, the more time you get).
Fic and Art will be posted at the comm by me starting from 25th December.
So that's it. Get prompting; get your wish granted, and sell your miserable soul to me. It only takes one kiss, which is more than I got from … oh never mind grant somebody else a little holiday magic.
Merry Christmas - Ho Ho Sodding Ho!
Crowley x