It's an "Adopt-a-Bunny" free for all!

May 06, 2012 09:52

Our first-ever Big Pretzel fic exchange was a rousing success -- but we've got lots and lots of unclaimed bunnies wandering around the pen, hoping to be adopted!  So we've pulled them all together, including the orphans from the comment fic meme, hoping you'll take another look and pick out one (or two or six!) to feed and water until it grows into a happy, healthy fic.

We'd love for all of them to be claimed, so choose as many as you feel you can handle, and claim them in the comments.  If a prompt has already been claimed, please move on to your next choice(s).

Artists, if a prompt inspires you to create something fun, have at it!

We won't put a time limit on this, because we'd like the fic to keep coming all summer long.  When you're finished with a story, feel free to post it here or at your own journal (with a linking post here at the comm).  And please do mention the challenge to your flisties -- the more participants, the merrier!

(If you're a newbie here: spn_bigpretzel celebrates the sunnier side of SPN, so fics and art for this challenge should have a light-hearted air.  Funny, cracky, schmoopy ... anything that brings a smile.  Gen, slash, and het are all allowed -- just make sure to put anything NSFW under a cut.)

What are you waiting for?  Take a look!  And have fun!

1.  I remember they mention about going to the Grand Canyon. I think there must be a fic about that, otherwise I want one.  i_sudoku

2.  Another one is Dean forced Sam to accompany him to watch a movie since Sam watched it by himself while Dean was in hell. Indiana Jones or other movies are fine. Running commentary from Dean would be great.  i_sudoku

3.  I want to prompt 'Wincestuous cuddles'. Gen cuddles are awesome too.  mercuryblue144

4.  The boys have some kind of contest. What the contest is is up to the author. Who wins is up to the author. I just want to see brotherly competition and brotherly banter. Extra points if the loser of the competition has to do something really embarrassing.  Gen please :)  gluisa88

5.  Grumpy Old Winchesters: Sam and Dean must inflitrate an assisted living center, but to do so they have to ask Cas to disguise them as old men. The only catch is that Cas can't just make them appear to be old, they actually have to be old. (Dean as a cranky, old man in 'The Curious Case of Dean Winchester' made me squee with joy, so a fic where both Sam and Dean are grumpy, cynical old farts together and chasing down baddies on arthritic knees would be fun IMHO.)  mamapranayama

6.  Dean is asked to judge a pie contest.  just_ruth

7.  How about a sweet Heaven fic? Or a fun one. Mary and John, post-AHBL. Or Mary meets Jess and they trade stories. Or... well, there's really endless possibilities here. (You can play with the heaven of Dark Side of the Moon, or ignore it altogether.)  adinarj

8.  Basically when Sam's wall tumbles down his brain deals with it in a much crackier way. He regresses to a childlike state and he's not too terribly bright. Unfortunately, he's also big and incredibly strong, which makes him unintentially dangerous. If you're familiar with Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, think a cracky version of Lenny (Lenny!Sam) and of course Dean is in the role of George (the stressed out and put upon caretaker). SNL once did a great cracky!Lenny with Malcovich and Chris Farley.  lolaann1

9.  The boys are given a "gift" by Pamela and she body swaps them for a week. Hilarity ensues. Bonus points if they have sex for the first time this way.  mandatorily

10.  Channel SamLicker81 (Becky Rosen): Write your very own Sam/Becky fanfic as SamLicker81… it’s fun, trust me ;) I’d imagine that Becky would write herself as the ultimate MarySue and her writing would be packed full of purple prose, way too many adjectives, and fandom clichés galore (Dean being short, for instance). A few examples: Becky rescues Sam from releasing Satan by using the power of her love and irresistible sexuality; or Becky rescues Sam by being the one in his head when his wall breaks (The Man Who Knew Too Much); or their ‘marriage’ goes differently. Some Wincesty undertones are fine, but not required (because I realize this is Becky). I don’t really want to read anything detailed or graphic though (I promise, no offense is intended to Wincest shippers. It’s just not my thing).  lolaann1

11.  Dean's been keeping a cat in the backseat of the Impala for two weeks now.  mandraco

12.  Dean met Lisa because he was taking one of her yoga classes. (He couldn't tell Sam that, of course.)  mandraco

13.  Teen!chesters: The boys having regular fun. Just fun. Arcades, pizza joint - whatever.  saberivojo

14.  Teen!chesters: What happened when the boys burned down the field in Dark Side of the Moon.  saberivojo

15.  Any story where Dean gets caught by the cops (could be a crossover) and escapes without the cops having definite proof of the supernatural.  mandraco

16.  It's a tough, tough, MESSY case, and Dean's clothes are getting progressively more and more ruined. Hilarity ensues. :)  ficwriter1966

17.  Sam coaxes Dean into a flight simulator, claiming it will help him overcome his fear of flying. Que the electrical fail.  tattooeddevil

18.  There's finally a case in a women's locker room. Sports center, sauna, author's pick. Dean gets ready to woo the ladies, but they all seem to fall for Sam, who's not even trying. Dean's not amused and pouts. A lot. tattooeddevil

19.  Pretty cliché, I know, but sometime during Season Five Sam, Dean and Castiel are hit with an age regression curse leaving them in the gruff though affectionate care of Bobby. Hijinks ensue.  stolen_childe

20.  After the Leviathan thing happened and Heaven is in after-war mode, Gabriel returns to the home he fled to organise his surviving siblings. He was warned about his death from a prayer to Loki in 1944.  antrazi

21.  Bobby's normal activities from the perspective of Sheriff Mills or somebody else of Sioux Falls BEFORE the Zombie thing happened.  antrazi

22.  Sam/Jess/Gabriel. Don't even care how. Gabriel would be so tiny next to them!  pyrebi

23.  Go to and write me a fic based on your favorite randomization. pyrebi

24.  Someone is turned into a faun/satyr. Cue a lot of baggy pants to hide the goat legs and an assortment of hats for the horns. You get to decide if the, ahem, fabled sex drive also comes into play.  pyrebi

25.  Knitting AU! Dean and Sam are knitwear designers with their own custom high-end yarn shop. But lately this new guy's been doing things with cables that's taking the yarncrafts world by storm. It looks like he's been named guest of honor at the upcoming Stitches convention, too--a spot that the Winchesters were wink-wink confirmed for. This? Means war.  pyrebi

26.  A normal hunt. Turns out it wasn't something supernatural but just some human psycho. What to do now?  antrazi

27.  For whatever reason Dean is determined that Castiel needs to have a birthday and a birthday party. Castiel’s and Sam’s reactions are up to you.  stolen_childe

28.  The boys are forced to stay in a motel room for at least a week. They can have food brought in, but they themselves can NOT leave. Banter and brotherly picking ensue.  jennytork

29.  Any kind of funny story about any characters reading, writing or discovering fanfiction is my absolute favorite thing.  verucasalt123

30.  Silly arguments between any of the guys that end up devolving into sexytimes.  verucasalt123

31.  They have to go undercover for a case as singers or dancers or models.  jennytork

32.  Angels are tiny beings, with limited English vocabulary (though they chatter on in Enochian like nobody’s business). When Dean and Sam encounter a few on a hunting trip Castiel develops a fondness for Dean (and Dean’s burgers), Gabriel forms an attachment to Sam and Balthazar is terribly jealous of Dean and Castiel’s bond. Bonus points if Balth expresses that dislike by biting Dean’s fingers and if Castiel likes to ride on Dean's head. This was inspired by a drawing I saw on DA last year, which I unfortunately can’t find.  stolen_childe

33.  The situation calls for a drag queen. Who'll it be? Rock, paper, scissors anyone?  tattooeddevil

34.  S07 inspired: Sam thinks he's being hilarious with all his Dick jokes. It drives Dean mad and one day he snaps and decides to show Sam how funny he's being. Now who's the funny one?  tattooeddevil

35.  Snarky banter between Crowley & Lucifer! tattooeddevil

36.  Dean and Sam are on an overnight stakeout in a dollar store. A bored Dean starts playing with the merchandise, and makes dinner out of...unusual items. Sam's not thrilled, but gets into the swing of it with Dean, recalling some good times when they were kids.  ficwriter1966

37.  Dean discovers the backwoods wonder known as Apple Pie Moonshine. ficwriter1966

38.  Something is wrong at the pie shop. Now that is research Dean can get into. While "researching" he discovers everything tastes like the wrong end of a bag of "Bernie Botts Every Flavor Beans". Not that keeps Dean from trying more and more pies. As the taste of each pie gets worse though, so do the side effects.  auntmo9

39.  Now that the Leviathans have put a kibosh on their credit card use, and cash is low, Dean has stopped at a restaurant where they have one of those food challenges, you know, like Man Vs. a giant, too big for your stomach, plate of food in less than 30 minutes and your meal is free. He thinks he is up to the challenge. Sam is less that encouraging.  auntmo9

40.  During the summer without Sam, Lisa takes an extra job teaching Zomba and convinces Dean to tag along. Resistant at first, Dean eventually joins the fun and inspires a spike in attendance among the ladies.  phebemarie

41.  Some time after 'Changing Channels' some cultists try to sacrifice Sam to Loki. It doesn't go as planned.  aceofannwn

42.  AU from 'Lucifer Rising': It turns out that Lucifer's Grace was in the cage, not Lucifer himself, and Sam discovers that he was Lucifer all along. No one else knows. Deciding that he'd rather be Sam Winchester than Lucifer, he decides to keep his angelic identity a secret. That shouldn't be too hard, right? Yeah, Sam was always kind of stupidly optimistic sometimes... (Bonus points if Gabriel finds out and helps keep the secret! Or tries, anyway. Gabriel helping can go so wrong.)  aceofannwn

43.  How did John acquire the cursed object in Bad Day at Black Rock? John and Bill Harvelle team up for fun and adventure in search of that rascally rabbit’s foot (cameo appearances by Ellen and the Weechesters would be an added bonus).  phebemarie

44.  Sometime after "Clap You Hands If You Believe" (preferably also after Sam has his soul back), Sam and Dean are having a casual meal in a bar discussing fairies, angels and all of the things they thought weren't real and get into a heated discussion on whether aliens are real or not. Bonus points if someone like Murray (Teal'c), Mork, or someone from MIB, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Roswell, etc stops by their table for a brief moment.  auntmo9

45.  Dean watches Dr. Sexy, M.D. Bobby's guilty pleasure was "Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood." And...Sam's got a guilty pleasure too. One he'd go to any lengths to keep Dean from finding out about.  ficwriter1966

46.  Sam moved out of his dorm six months ago. Dean doesn't know this and the kid in Sam's old dorm keeps getting some weirdass postcards. (OMC POV, and bonus points if he meets Dean.)  mandraco

47.  Sam’s Wall Breaks, Hilarity Ensues: Sam’s convinced he actually is Satan after his ‘hell wall’ breaks. He believes he’s psychic, has the power to stop time, teleport, kill people with a thought, etc… and he’s obsessed with Jersey Shore’s Snookie (thinks she is his evil soulmate). Poor Dean has to put up with him, of course.  lolaann1

48.  Changing Channels Missing Scene: Gabriel sticks the guys in a ‘reality show’ of your choice OR they get dropped into one of the Twilight Movies where Sam is the werewolf guy and Dean is the sparkly one.  lolaann1

49.  Another French Mistake. This time, the guys wind up in a world where they're actors on Smallville. Sam in Tom's role, Dean in Justin's. Bonus points if in that reality they're in a relationship off camera and everyone knows. Bonus Bonus points if one of the Boys had thought about it, but the other hadn't even considered it until this point. I would love it to end as Sam/Dean, back in their regular lives.  mandatorily

50.  Buffy Xover: I’d love to see somebody do a follow-up to my oneshot And the Winner Is...
where Bobby and Giles are once again competing for the same item at a mystical items auction. Bobby won the last round, so might be nice to let Giles win this one (but not required, cuz it’s fun to mess with Giles).  lolaann1

51.  For whatever reason you wish, Castiel is charged with taking care of (and protecting) a human baby, for an undetermined length of time. He quickly finds out that he is in over his head. Castiel tries to slyly pawn the responsibility off on Sam & Dean, but while Dean does know a surprising amount about infants, he makes Castiel stick around, do the work, and learn something.  autumn_lilacs

52.  Gimme NC17 - I want to read about Sam's or Dean's first time having sex.  bt_kady

53.  Sam's had an annoying day. Not a terrible-horrible-no good-very bad day, not a Bad Day at Black Rock kind of day, just one of those days where doing the simplest things seems to never go quite right, i.e, restaurant can't get his order right, coffee shop out of his favorite blend, etc. Nothing majorly angsty, just minor annoyances that put Sam in a grouchy mood. Cue amused!Dean cheering his brother up.  kate_mct

54.  Both Dean and Sam get cursed and turned into children but with their adult skills and memories intact(I know, it's been done before). Basically, I'd love to see Dean trying to drive the Impala to get away from the monster that did this to them and bitching about not being able to reach the pedals. You could also have them getting caught by the police who are shocked to see an eight-year old driving and a four year-old trying to talk their way out of being sent to CPS by spouting off case law and legal theories.  Either way, cute kids with potty mouths and kick-ass fighting skills should be featured.  mamapranayama

55.  High!Dean wants ALL the pies!  purple_carpets

56.  It's a freaking miracle...except when it happens during their sacred annual pilgrimage to Vegas and he goes off on some granola munching hike in the desert by himself." from 7x08  I'd love to see some previous trips of the brothers to Las Vegas, generally having a good time.  summerholt

57.  Sam has to play mediator to bickering!Dean/Jo.  adinarj

58.  So, John and the boys wind up tracking something (kind of innocuous, let's say a gremlin who lives in Texas High country) It's only accessible by horseback. Either all three have no idea what they are doing and wind up saddle sore and commiserating over stinky horses, sore asses and contrary beasties or Sam or Dean DOES know how to ride and watching his brother and father suffer is so much fun!  saberivojo

59.  Gimme wee! or teen!chesters. One of them is sick and the other is being caring.  bt_kady

60.  Crossover with Eureka -- The car breaks down in the strangest town in America.  mamapranayama


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