Title: A Nasty Shock
Characters: Sam, Dean and Cas
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean has a nasty shock when he showers before breakfast.
spn_bigpretzel DEW. Character: Dean; Theme: Age
Dean staggered into the kitchen, his face sheet-white and his eyes wide in shock.
“Dean, what the hell’s happened?” Sam asked.
Dean shook his head and sat down heavily at the table, head in hands.
“What’s wrong Dean?” Cas coaxed. “What has upset you?”
“I f-found a w-white hair,” Dean managed to say.
“So?” Cas raised an eyebrow. “My vessel has 104 white hairs and Sam has...”
“Shut up, I don’t have any!” Sam protested, but turned his attention to Dean.
“You don’t understand, guys. It’s not on my head,” Dean swallowed hard, gesturing towards his groin, “it’s down there!”