Massive sploding alert! Ziggy and Zoraline update! Includes bonus puppies, too!

Feb 14, 2010 22:33

When last we saw our intrepid Bengal foster kitties, they were performing in the synchronized Olympics:

One might say they got the gold: !!!

And my apologies - I thought I linked to the purring video last time, but I mislinked!

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It's very tiring being so cute. Pity me!

Remember tiny hissy Ziggy, in Aidon's hands? And a day or two later he was chill about Aidon?

He's growing! (Ziggy, not Aidon)

Zoraline says of Ziggy, "He haz a flavor!"

She likes to get involved, even when I'm doing the feeding. She talks to him SO cute!

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But if you think HER voice is cute, wait til you see this with Ziggy QUACKING! This is so cute that the icanhazcheeseburger folks have asked for permission to distribute it (like they did with broccoli kitten.) I said okay as long as I can see the edits first, but they haven't gotten back to me. We'll see!

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Got Milk?

I keep Zoraline happy by not keeping him away when she really wants him - which isn't that often. She's happy for the break mostly. He is more and more mobile, especially in the box where he's at home. He is rolling around showing off his belly like CRAZY here. Don't let him fool you - he's not stuck, he can totally right himself - he just wants to show you his belly!

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Zoraline says "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!" She is really stunning!

Even if she DOES make photography ... tricky.

Belly dots of DOOM and tiny shiny paw pads of CUTE!

He is so funny and chill after he pigs out!

The morning light in the bathroom was really nice that morning...

Ziggy graduated from the 3ml syringes to a real live kitten baby bottle!

Zora LOVES to play, so I try to play with her every time I feed Ziggy. She loves the cat dancer, and loves to get her claws into the scratching pole.

She's a total sweetie, too. She likes to sprawl on me in weird positions because of the bad back leg.

Fair warning: Pajama bottom draw strings - those are totally cat toys.

I keep a variety of data on infant kittens:

"How'm I doin'???"

And then I got a new scale! He keeps growing!

Zoraline is TOTALLY going to need to be rehomed with someone who will enjoy her alert and playful energy. She's a sweetheart and loves to PLAY! She's extremely gentle with her very own claws of doom ;)

Sleepy kitten is sleepy, and up close.

Oh look - it's the Synchronized Posing event!

Oh dear - worried kitten is worried!

Gorgeous Zoraline is not worried, and waits for the scores.

"Those are 10.0s, right? Don't MAKE me come up there..."

Champion Zoraline basks in her winning cuteness.

Zoraline considers my leg a potential playground - but instead steadies herself and just hugs it.

Do you like my plating skills for bottle babies? Little formula dots!

Zora is young and frisky ... she likes to pounce things small and wiggly.

Ziggy is small and wiggly.

And fuzzy!

Last week Amanda, my kitten-pusher friend, and partner in fostering-crime came by because she had borrowed the oxygen compressor for a sick puppy, who did GREAT and survived, and she was returning the compressor - plus she brought PUPPIES! (click through to see more puppies!)

Everyone loves Ziggy - and Amanda is no exception!

"Everyone loves ME?!?! Awww... I'll chew on my fingers and contemplate my cute!"

"Why yes - everyone is right ... I AM cute! 3/4 profile shot!"

This one might be the pic of the batch. When I showed this to mactavish she said he looked like something made in Japan... and then I knew she was right - I had seen it somewhere before. Separated at birth?!?! I'm tellin' ya! ;)

Ziggy sneers at you because he knows you are laughing at his PowerPuff twin!

Did I mention that Zoraline can be POUNCY and stalkerish?

You can't blame her - I mean, who wouldn't pounce a belly like this?

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But beware - Ziggy HAS defenses! He has razor sharp claws of deadly, um, cute. Front AND back!

He has the ability to STARE YOU DOWN!

And he knows CUTE-FU!

Nothing will defend him from an ATTACK BATH though...

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Look at him growing!!! It's cuz he's my little piggy wiggy Ziggy!

No more syringes!

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It's bottles now, baby, until he's able to eat food!

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And bigger still!

Ziggy licks his lips, and exposes his yumalicious belly!

Zora likes to sit and watch while I feed and play with Ziggy. This was so unusual how she got in this position. She was sitting there with her back left (bad) leg kind of all awkward, and then she lifted herself up and forward, putting all of her weight on her front legs, and then swinging her back legs forward and in front of her. It reminded me of the balance beam events in gymnastics, when they just hold themselves up with their arms and slowly swing their legs into a new position. Quirky and cool!

Zoraline can be INTENSE while being cute. She was on the toilet seat, and then peeked up over the scratching post. She was intensely backlit, and her eyes are ever-round!

Judge Zoraline sits in judgment of you!

Be careful you are not convicted by Judge Zoraline - she has a fierce executioner. If he doesn't get you with cute... he has CLAWS!

Every day he's only cuter, and more alert!

No. Seriously. Cuter. Every. Day. "I can't believe I ate the WHOLE thing!"

"I promise mama! I haven't been running in the house!

He'd better not be - his mama will CATCH him!

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She's WATCHING you and ready to pounce!

Ziggy is too CUTE to be pounced without rescue, though.

Even if he's looking like he might be gearing up for pouncing, himself, sometimes!

He gets going here and tries to almost pounce mama!

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He's working on his soulful upside down gaze... he's working it!

"How was that? Did I get it good?"


Yesterday I went in to see them, and this is what I found Ziggy had learned how to do when he heard me come in... uh oh.

Also yesterday, I finally was able to start letting Zoraline out into the (cluttered) guestroom. She LOVED the extra space... and the opportunity to practice her Mozart!

That leg doesn't really hold her back. At all.

She's already interested in what's going on beyond the door! There are other KITTIES!

While Mama Zoraline explores, it's a good time for Ziggy to learn about cuddling on beds, next to boobs...

Or while "spooned"...

Or, yknow ... on boobs. I swear ... don't say it. I know ... he makes them look big... they always do. This is how much I love you guys, I swear. This is like the LEAST flattering position to have my own photo taken - but I'm taking one for the team because Ziggy is just THAT cute!

Zoraline does NOT seem unfamiliar with the comforts of soft beds... She seems quite content to sprawl out next to me:

And call Ziggy over to her, sometimes...

But he likes to come back over to me ... I have the yummy stuff! She wipes his butt, but I have the yummies! It's like being the good parent, all the time!

"This post is temporarily interrupted for me to HYP-MO-TIZE you to become my MINION! Minions of Ziggy, unite!!!"

"If you do no become my minion, I may have to WHAP you! I have wicked fierce whappy abilities!"

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