45. twenty icons

Jun 13, 2012 23:25

Because if I had to pick anything to represent my childhood, it would be Harry Potter. I grew up reading the books and watching the films, and I was genuinely gutted when I didn't receive my Hogwarts letter at age 11... *sniffs*
Anyway, most of this batch was experimentation with negative space and/or colour, so feedback would be really helpful! =)

Harry Potter [20]
entry for childhood20in20 Round 30


THEMES - character | drama | excited | favourite | hug


THEMES - funny | name | playful | shy | young






comment | credit | hotlink | repost | alter | join | watch | request

film: harry potter films, !icons, +contest: tv20in20, !!needs fixing, !reuploading, !!!reformating, !icons: 2012

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