Ok I'm sitting here contemplating(Look felice I did a big word!!!!)Whether to call in sick or go to work tomorrow. But I'm seeing felice on sunday which makes my weekend a whole better.
Ok guys I'm still really ill but my gorgeous girlfriend felice came over today and looked after me,instead of me looking after people(i work at a hospital)She's amazing,but i made her a sandwich,for being so nice to me.
Well I got a cold and sore throat and I work at a hospital si I have to look after sick people as well as being one myself. However on the upside MY amazing gf is seeing me tuesday and is going to look after me.
Ok got up about an hour ago,after being up for almost 24hours,but it wasn't all that bad,saw my gf Felice which made me happier;and im seeing her again today!!!!!
Ok well my ward sister has gone to break,so I'm on here see my girlfriend and my best mate today and see my girlfriend felice again tomorrow,I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have her.