Oct 20, 2010 20:57

Hey guys! In about an hour we're going to have our very first Dare Meme! Not familiar with a dare meme? That's alright! I'll post some instructions in the main post when it happens, but here's a bit of a low down so you know what you're getting into!

• A dare meme is an ic meme that puts characters in hilarious and awkward situations.

• Please reply to this post with the character you want to participate. I know some people may want more than one, but trust me, if you've never done one before, you should only do one for your first time! You don't want to get overwhelmed. Characters will be forced to do this, so don't worry if you think it's totally ooc for your character to sign up for this - it's not their choice to begin with! ;)

• I'll announce in this post (and in chat as well) when we have five minutes left to sign up. Then I will close this post, and put up a post in the spam community.

• Secretly, I will assign each character a number.

• I will post the number of participants in the post (but not which character corresponds to what number). Then, people will throw up dares in the post in the main community using the numbers. Dares can be insane, silly, embarrassing, or impossible (some characters can try to duck out of dares, but Splendor itself may also enforce a few, maybe by locking characters in a room until they finish the dare, etc.)

• The dares should be specific and detailed, not vague, and should involve numbers, not characters.

Examples of Dares:

1 and 2 dance to this song (maybe link a youtube video?) for 15 comments
3 eat an entire bucket of mayonnaise.
5, 6 and 10 bake a cake then force 11 to eat it.
7 try to steal 8's shirt. if 7 is successful, 8 go topless for the rest of the post.

Please keep dares appropriate! Keep other muns' comfort in mind; sometimes in these memes, dares where people have to make out with someone else will pop up or other dares of that nature. Let's try to avoid dares like that for now, in order to let everyone feel comfortable when threading.

• Dares will be posted on the community's brand new anonymous account. It's an account we'll use for memes like this where people can post things anonymously instead of having to do so on their mun accounts, or waiting for captchas when posting anon. I'll pass out the account and password in a locked community post right before the dare post begins, so you can all log in and use it.

• Once enough dares have been posted, I'll cap the dares and edit the post so that everyone can see the list of what character is assigned to what number.

• The characters will then appear in an enormous building with their dares listed, and will have to go do their respective dares! Any dares that require items, music, etc. will be provided for them.

I won't be around for the next half hour or so, so if you have questions post them here, and if you've done this meme before please help out by answering these questions!

It sounds a little confusing at first, I know, but you catch on quickly and it's really fun!

So go ahead, reply to this post with the one character you want included and I'll draw up the list in an hour or so!

!mod post

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