[Anyone around city hall might now witness a teenage girl in a school uniform bursting through the main doors and stopping at the top of the steps. In one hand is a brown school bag, and the other holds the seal. She does not look happy in the least.]
[Now it makes sense. Just had to give him a minute there.]
[Even though he's not exactly on very good terms with him right now, that had to mean that it was planned. The way she said it affirmed that thought. Or that's his thinking. He had to have done what he needed to do. He...hadn't wanted to give up until then.
and then he hears her speak. He smirks just a little - it sounds like her all right - but he’s kind of puzzled as to why she’s got the uniform on.
Could it be that…she’s from before? But that doesn’t make any sense, either.
Shaking his head, he comes just a little closer, though still slightly cautious. Last time he had seen her, they weren’t on the best terms…
Is she going to remember that?]
Well, now. I can’t say that I’m surprised to see you here, Kallen.
[Beating around the bush...he doesn't like it. It's making him uneasy - not that he's going to show it.]
But that was his alias.]
But…if he’s dead in the future, did that mean-
He couldn’t have failed. He just couldn’t have. So that means it had to have been a plan, right?
Sorry, for once he’s completely speechless.]
...Then who was Zero?
[Not that he figures that she would be able to answer that; she would have told him if she knew, right?
So who else could have done it? C.C.? But she wouldn't do that, right? That's the only person that's assumed his position before.]
[Even though he's not exactly on very good terms with him right now, that had to mean that it was planned. The way she said it affirmed that thought. Or that's his thinking. He had to have done what he needed to do. He...hadn't wanted to give up until then.
But still, feels bad man. Kind of.]
[Her voice is soft and a little bitter. Clearly, she's not happy about this fact.]
Was I successful?
[That's the question that's bugging him the most. He's faced death several times already, and he knew that it would have come in the end.
But he had to know if he'd been able to change things.]
Oh hello, he's going to sit down at that bench now as well. Thanks for the invite, Kallen.]
...I'm glad.
Did Gino know? It would explain some things about that too.
All the things that must have happened is running through his mind, trying to process...so he's staying silent as well.]
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