005 ☀ [text/action] triple spiral

Feb 12, 2011 15:22

[ ►filtered away from MR JUUTA, MR IZAYA, SHIBUSEN KIDS | TEXT; ]what does it mean to be a "friend"?
is there a set of rules to follow? are there good and bad friends?
...how can you tell if you're the bad one or not?
this isn't good. i don't know how to deal with this...

[ ►filtered to MISS SAKURA, VOICE; ]H-Hi! We haven't talked in awhile, s-so I ( Read more... )

twilight sparkle, takeshi yamamoto, eco, oc: bambi, !npc, takuto tsunashi, ruka, riku, izaya orihara, crona

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Comments 88

voice; assassinmvp February 13 2011, 00:15:11 UTC
Being a friend is mostly instinct, I think. I don't think there's really any rules you need to follow; just try to make your friend happy whenever you can, mostly. As long as you do that it should be fine.


voice; sablemeister February 13 2011, 00:49:58 UTC

[ Crona's instincts are pretty good...or so he thinks, maybe. ]

I...see. I want them to be as happy as they can be, so...I'll try that. Maybe someone else can make them happier, though-- what if...I'm just getting in the way of that person?

[ a beat, before he realizes how Awkward that was to say ]

Ah! But, thank you.


voice; assassinmvp February 13 2011, 01:22:38 UTC
If you're worried about it, why don't you ask? I bet your friends wouldn't want you thinking you're bothering them anyway.


voice; sablemeister February 13 2011, 01:38:59 UTC
But t-that's--!

[he doesn't want to bother them with this...it's not that important, anyway, it's just him getting upset over everything little thing. right? right. ]

I don't want to be a burden to them about this if I'm the only one feeling this way. Maybe if...if they seem like they're actually being bothered, I'll be able to, but. I-It's just a feeling I have.


voice; mumdies February 13 2011, 00:39:24 UTC
There's no rules. Just gotta be good to them, look after them best you can, don't forget 'bout them or leave them behind. Same as what you'd like back.


voice; sablemeister February 13 2011, 00:52:14 UTC
No rules? There's rules for everything, though...

[ the same as what he'd like back, huh...? ]

-I won't forget about them! I know that f-for sure.


voice; mumdies February 13 2011, 01:05:33 UTC
Can't be real rules for somethin' like this. People're too different. But no one wants to get treated bad all the time, guess that could be a rule.


voice; sablemeister February 13 2011, 01:35:54 UTC
If you say so...

[ Crona is oddly bothered by the lack of concrete rules-- being left to decide it on his own like this is... ]

So, if someone treats another badly all the time...that would mean they're not a friend? Even if they say they are?


voice; gallitrap February 13 2011, 02:04:27 UTC
A friend is someone you care about, and cares about you. Someone that makes you happy, and that you want to make happy in return. A lot of it is mutual, or back and forth - they look after you, you look after them, you support and help one another. Things like that. Sometimes you might not always agree, or get into arguments, but that's pretty normal.

But... there can be bad friends, or friends that are bad for you.


voice; sablemeister February 13 2011, 05:22:12 UTC
[ ah-- is that Miss Ruka...? he hasn't seen her since--

that last part draws the corners of his mouth down into a grimace. friends who are bad for you. it's something he'd expected-- he had asked the question in the first place, of course, but it does nothing for his nerves. the next question, of course is: ]

Friends who are bad for you... I see. So you can be a- a friend, but still be bad for the other person? Is there a way to tell...?


voice; gallitrap February 13 2011, 05:52:44 UTC
It really depends, I think. Like, if you hurt someone you care about, it doesn't necessarily mean you're a bad friend. But if you do something you already know will hurt them, and do that despite that, or because of that, then that could make someone a bad friend. If you ignore them, or treat the things and people they care about badly, that's not a good thing either. Then there's lying, too, but it depends on why, and what for.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is you can do bad things by your friends and not be a bad friend. It depends on why you do them. Acting out of malice is the main thing. Then again, if someone act towards their friends like that, they're probably not a person who puts much value in friendship to begin with.

Did something happen?


voice; that was a Really Good tag i thought you should know LFDMSLK sablemeister February 13 2011, 07:32:47 UTC
[ Crona's mind positively swims in reaction to the information-- all ringing true to what he felt about his friends and...several less-than-desirable people around his friends. he's done a lot of bad things. some he still can't decide whether his reasons were good-hearted or not, whether they were cowardly or not. but...he still wants them to be happy, and if that meant admitting he was a problem-- he'd do it. ]

Oh...! I-- I see. So, what you're saying is...someone can make mistakes b-but it doesn't always make them a bad person, depending on what their reasons were...? I mean, I'm sure it could still be a mistake but it doesn't make them bad entirely...?

I'm...worried about one of my friends. One of their friends, I-I mean. And myself. Maybe my reasons aren't good enough...


[video] c-c-c-combo breaker calere February 13 2011, 03:17:35 UTC
I don't there's such a thing as a bad friend... Some days are just worse than others.


video; oh snap sablemeister February 13 2011, 05:53:47 UTC
[ Crona's nervous expression jolts into view, view turned upwards slightly as he waters a bunch of (literally) sparkling blue roses. ]


[ so maybe he'd just caught Him on a bad day...or annoyed him, after all. ]

So even the nicest people have days like that?

[ it may seem immature entirely, but Crona simply can't imagine Maka or Mr Juuta acting in such a way towards him. Even after seeing Maka possessed, of all things. ]


[video] aw yeah let's see that pretty, nervous face of yours B) calere February 13 2011, 06:06:30 UTC
Yup. Like, maybe something bad happened right before they talked to you. They'd be pretty upset and they'd probably get mad at you even if you didn't do anything, right? [And then they'd probably simmer down-- oh, oh, roses]

-- What beautiful flowers!


video; SCREAM.AVI sablemeister February 13 2011, 07:45:37 UTC
Ah-- maybe... he did seem pretty mad... maybe he pricked himself on a rose...

[ perhaps 'mad' isn't the right way to put it-- the more Crona thinks about it, the less mad Izaya had seemed, appearing as calm, collected and...purposeful. but he could be wrong, he had to be.

Crona's vision snaps to the Seal, now, a faint blush rising to his cheeks. ]

-Oh! T-thank you...! We just got them this morning...they're cute, d-don't you think?


video. novae February 13 2011, 04:44:07 UTC
A friend... huh? I'm sure it's a person who likes you no matter what, someone you can rely on... stuff like that.


video. sablemeister February 13 2011, 06:09:39 UTC
Someone I can rely on...

[ the Seal jitters left and right for a moment, propped up on a shelf as Crona pours small stones into the bottom of a pot, followed by soil. patting his hands on his apron, he picks the Seal up to look at it straight on, brows twisting inward. ]

--but, what if they can't rely on me? I mean, I'm not...very strong.


video. novae February 13 2011, 06:23:41 UTC
[ a blink, then a smile. ] Sure you are. You should believe in yourself some more.


video. sablemeister February 13 2011, 07:57:15 UTC
[ ... Crona can't help but feel the corners of his mouth twitch upwards just a bit at the kind words. he doesn't believe them entirely (a life of anxiety prevents that from coming easy), but...to hear that said to him... ]

Ah. I-- I'll try...! T-thank you, Mr...?


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