Characters: Chey and Ryoheiiiiiii
Where & When: the First Day moseying around the outskirts of Wonderland, early evenin'
Rating & Why: N/A yet
Summary: A wild tiny thing appears! >FIGHT/BAG/PKMN/RUN
a dandelion seed on its flustered way on a blustery day lands to find-- )
Comments 42
He thought he remembered something about music, or something else extremely weird, but by that stage his eyesight had been growing as dim as his exhausted brain activity.
So engrossed was Ryohei in his mission to find himself in a completely non-existential sense that he very nearly tripped over the tiny person near his thundering feet, but fortunately he just tripped over a stone and landed on his backside in a totally non-extreme way. The tiny person's presence was noticed only when Ryohei's hand thumped down onto its key.
"What-- OH WOW AN EXTREMELY TINY GUY!!" he yelled enthusiastically and shoved ( ... )
Big, extreme feet made their big, extreme entrance, ripping attention away from the leaves in time only to recoil in utter terror, his scream so high and shrill that some unfortunate dog somewhere was covering its ears. OHNOI'MGOINGTODIE-!
Ryohei's toppling was a little mini earthquake, sending Chey's feet off the ground to float in a coiled up ball, head clutched tightly. Maybe whatever it was would just nip his hair and get sick and leave! He hoped, he hoped, shaking fingers through that hair of his until a tug around the neck ceased his floating. He lightly thumped back onto the ground. Trapped! Kidnapped! Goingtobesenttoazoo!
And now there was shouting. Chey's head exploded with the noise, hands smashing against his head in agony and horror. It was an absolute nightmare! He was going ( ... )
"Hey, little guy!!!" he tried again, reaching out to nudge Chey with surprising gentleness considering that he was him. "You okay??"
The key he was attached to was still trapped under a giant hand, but Chey hardly knew that. He scrambled to his knees and crawled until the ribbon drew taut and kept him in place. He let out another dog whistle of a squeal, rolling over to realize just why he couldn't get away. Frantically, he started wrestling with the ribbon; he could live without the key. Definitely. He wasn't going to live with it, apparently.
Between ducking the prodding finger and trying to unravel himself, Chey only managed to get himself pitifully tangled in his own mess. He jerked his arm free--his only support to keep him from falling over backwards--and winced away from the hand.
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