It takes a village to raise a child...

Jun 11, 2011 16:13

Characters: oldest7yearold , claim_my_place dangotastical heartscrepes mykimlasca grimreaping offered him houseroom, plus some.
Where & When: 1115 Brixton Ave. (9th), 604 Collodi Street (10th-11th), Arborn Castle (12th-13th), Abandoned Carter Estate (14th-15th), and Rotterdam Apartments Room 305 (16th-17th, with Luke waking up on the 18th back to normal)
Rating & Why: Varies in the threads. Should be under PG-13 ( Read more... )

luke fon fabre, trunks, yuri lowell, death the kid, asch the bloody, natalia luzu kimlasca-lanvaldear

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With Death the Kid | Rotterdam Apartments, Room 305 | June 16th-18th (morning) youngest10yrold June 11 2011, 21:20:55 UTC
youngest10yrold June 23 2011, 08:46:32 UTC
[The fact that Luke knew the word for chicken should've been a big hint... except not everyone's been realizing that Luke actually doesn't know most words and isn't just... being shy, or something. He's listening and trying to pick out familiar words though, and "eat" is kind of familiar. How many times had Guy or one of the maids or something told him he needed to "eat this"? So that meant food right?]


[Hopefully that's what he's going to be eating, right?

As for the handkerchief, Luke just stares at it blankly. Guy would usually hold the handkerchief to his nose and tell him to blow (at least at this age). Why wasn't Kid doing the same?]


grimreaping June 23 2011, 14:04:31 UTC
Chicken, that's simple enough. We'll have chicken for dinner then.

[ the good news is that Kid is perfectly capable of holding an entire conversation with himself

as for the handkerchief... ]

After you sneeze, you should blow your nose. Do you know how?


youngest10yrold June 26 2011, 05:35:23 UTC
[Okay, Kid is saying "chicken" a lot. THIS IS CLEARLY GOOD NEWS. Luke will be expecting chicken for dinner now. Yep.

His face falls a little at the question though... he said the word "blow" like Guy would (along with a lot of other words), but he didn't hold the handkerchief up to Luke's nose... Luke frowns uncertainly and points at the handkerchief. He needed that first, right...?]


grimreaping June 26 2011, 14:58:09 UTC
[ Kid continues to offer it, perhaps a little curious to see what Luke would do -- whether Luke would try to do it on his own. Kid certainly didn't mind helping him blow his nose, and would undoubtedly need to do so, but that didn't mean Luke should just expect it to be done for him. stop trying to raise the boy, Kid ]



youngest10yrold June 28 2011, 07:20:22 UTC
[To give Luke credit, he really is trying. His eyebrows crease and he pouts slightly in confusion, his brain working hard to figure out the puzzle set before him. So... Kid wasn't putting the handkerchief up to his nose, but Kid had said to blow his nose like Guy would...

Luke whimpers a little with confusion, shifting uncomfortably. Did Kid not know what he was supposed to do, or was he expecting Luke to take it, or...?

Luke swipes a little at his face with one hand before reaching out to gently grab a corner of the handkerchief. Looking up at Kid questioningly, he makes another soft sound. Was this what you wanted him to do?]


grimreaping June 30 2011, 03:07:53 UTC
[ Kid nods encouragingly, affirming that Luke's actions were correct. ]

That's right. Now put it to your nose and blow.


youngest10yrold July 8 2011, 08:05:50 UTC
[Nose... Luke knew that word at least, and his hand automatically goes to it - and what with him still holding the handkerchief, it follows. And... oh, the handkerchief was against his nose now - even if it wasn't tight - and Kid told him to blow like Guy did... so Luke does so. Thankfully there wasn't much there (the herb tickling his nose had been what made him sneeze after all), so the fact that the handkerchief isn't tight against his face makes little difference.

Still, once that exercise was done, he looks up at Kid questioningly, handkerchief half-lowered from his face. What now..?]


grimreaping July 9 2011, 04:13:48 UTC
[ Kid smiles. ]

Well done, Luke. Now you'll know for next time.

[ it didn't matter if the actual action wasn't effective -- the important thing was that Luke did it all by himself ]


youngest10yrold July 12 2011, 20:23:36 UTC
[Once he was older again, Luke would probably thank Kid for it. For now though, he still doesn't quite understand what all the fuss was about... and what that whole exchange had actually been... but he recognizes the praise and smiles a little before turning his eyes back on the handkerchief. What was he supposed to do with it now...? ]


grimreaping July 12 2011, 22:50:19 UTC
Ah, we'll wash it later. Leave it here with me.


Morning of the 18th oldest7yearold June 13 2011, 00:05:32 UTC
"I wish I could forget it all sometimes," Luke had said. "Sometimes" was not permanent, and after nine days, it appeared that Splendor had determined that Luke's time reliving his youth was up.

It was probably a good thing that the change happened while he was asleep. The sensation of turning into a child, his memories vanishing, had been strange enough. Feeling the reverse would have been just as weird, if not more so, not to mention the time he would have needed to process the memories as they came back to him. But since he was unconscious for the change...

The first thing Luke was conscious of when he woke up was that he remembered everything. The past nine days, staying with Asch, with Nagisa, with Yuri and Natalia and Kid. How they'd helped him, been patient with him - even Asch had been, for Asch ( ... )


grimreaping June 13 2011, 00:27:25 UTC
Kid was in the kitchen, having already been up for a while as was his custom. The rustle and clink of dishes as Kid washed up (normal dish washing this time, not the obsessive kind) since he'd already eaten, but with all the necessary things left in place to make breakfast for his roommate and guest for when either of them awaken. He had no idea that Luke had returned to normal yet.


oldest7yearold June 13 2011, 02:07:51 UTC
Luke heard the movement in the kitchen, and realized that meant Kid was probably up. He'd been up early the day before too... In one way it was a relief - any temptation to run off early was no longer an issue. On the other hand, though, it meant he'd have to explain himself that much sooner.

Steeling himself, he stepped out of the guest room and raised his voice. "Kid?"


grimreaping June 13 2011, 02:17:08 UTC
Kid stopped and half-turned, surprised at the change in Luke's voice -- or rather, the change back. Seeing a full-sized redhead gave him a moment's pause, but then gave a smile as though nothing unusual at all had happened. "Good morning Luke. Did you sleep well? There's crepes for breakfast."


oldest7yearold June 13 2011, 02:57:46 UTC
"Yeah, I did, thanks," Luke said with a faint smile of his own, taking a seat at the table - same place he'd sat the day before. He was still nervous, but Kid's approach to the whole situation - not making a big deal out of it - was helping.

It also gave him some hope for the conversation that was sure to be inevitable. Not that he was ashamed of what he was anymore (or at least as ashamed; there was still probably some residual emotion there), just... apprehensive. That people would see him differently, even look down on him, when they found out. The mob in Baticul raging about the "replica things," not to mention his own treatment by the servants at the Fabre manor was enough to fuel this very apprehension.

The only real question is if he should bring it up now, or wait and see if Kid would. He'd probably bring it up on its own eventually but...

Well, there was one thing he could do now. "Thanks."


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