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Comments 9

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spirktrekker42 April 11 2010, 17:44:19 UTC
Thanks, girl! :D Since this is het McCOY, he probably wouldn't take that too well. However, I'd love for someone to write the slash version of him. I refuse to do it because he'll either get paired up with Kirk or Spock, and I'm K/S to the core. However, if someone else wrote it, I'd read it and laugh my ass off!


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spirktrekker42 April 11 2010, 18:08:15 UTC
Hehehe, WIN! :D "Do not be alarmed. They will be more alarmed than you." Oh, so true!


potcwriterangel April 11 2010, 19:41:09 UTC
That was a cute idea for a story. The Warning alone has me giggling.


spirktrekker42 April 11 2010, 19:51:23 UTC
Thanks! Heh. Couldn't resist, mate! ;)


coeurdesoleil April 11 2010, 21:42:04 UTC
This was friggin' hilarious!!! I haven't laughed so hard in a long time

I remember reading your Kirk and Spock UNITs Owner's Guides awhile back, and they are brilliant as well :D

Loved this ♥ ♥


spirktrekker42 April 11 2010, 21:55:23 UTC
Thanks!! :D I'm glad I haven't lost my touch ;)


tinocka April 13 2010, 15:48:08 UTC
LOL! Wonderful on so many levels!

WARNING: If you own a SPOCK unit as well as a McCOY, it is essential that both units be set to the same mode before allowing them interact. If the McCOY model is set to 'Drunk' while the SPOCK is set to 'Hostile', your doctor could be severely damaged. (We are not responsible for any nerve-pinch induced injuries.) Also, if this happens, don't expect the KIRK unit to be much help. He will be too busy laughing his ass off!



spirktrekker42 April 13 2010, 22:02:57 UTC
I can just see it - Drunk!McCoy trying to get all touchy-feely on Spock "I love you, man" kind of thing, and Spock throwing him across the room while Jim doubles over with laughter! Dude, someone should totally write that fic!


spirktrekker42 April 15 2010, 17:04:03 UTC
I really think I'm going to write Chekov next, when school finally gets out. :P I would do Uhura, but she's canonically linked to Spock and as a biased K/S fan, I couldn't do her justice. I hope someone will, though. As a character, she is AWESOME!


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