Who: Kyoraku and whoever wants to hop in
Where: Near the staircase
When Late afternoon
What: Coming off the evil staircase of doom
Rating: PG-13
Stairs.. Endless amounts of stairs. Even doing shunpo didn't seem to get Kyoraku any closer to the top of the staircase. The brunette let out a frustrated sigh and turned to look down the stairs.
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Comments 5
Sure, Neji-nii-san may have warned her not to talk to seemingly odd people, or venture out on her own at all, but this man seemed to have come off the staircase. Perhaps he was a new arrival like she'd been earlier that week? And maybe he was just as confused and scared as she'd been?
"Um, sir, are you okay?" She repeated again, reaching out to shake him with one hesitant hand when the man didn't look up.
"Anou, you're in the city. I-it's at the bottom of the staircase," she gestured upwards, where the sky would be, at the spiral staircase that went on. "I-I don't think you'll be getting to where ever you were going."
"Oh well. I suppose I should look into finding a place to stay for the night."
Kyoraku looked back to the girl as he stood and smile. "Think you could help me out? My names' Kyoraku Shunsei by the way. Pleasure to meet a lovely lady such as yourself here."
"Nice to meet you, Kyoraku-san," Hinata replied, allowing a small smile to form on her lips. "My name is Hinata. Hyuuga Hinata, from Konoha."
"Anou.." She glanced around. Neji wouldn't mind if she was out a little bit longer, right? "I wouldn't mind showing you around. There are tenements that way, and quite a few people stay there. Farther down there's a.. neighbourhood of sorts, but the houses are empty. We can see both if you'd like." She turned back to him, eager to be of help.
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