Who: Duke Fabre, Luke fon Fabre, Guy Cecil
What: Guyhunting time. \o/
Where: City streets, somewhere in the neighbourhood, but close to the church
When: After the rain and Asch's last entry
Rating: PG-13 for violence, at least... might change later. :x
Open: No sir!
Duke Fabre had never considered himself to be overprotective of his children. When Asch was young - and not called Asch, but the original Luke - he'd been cautious with the child, and always made sure that his caretakers behaved appropriately and never abused him. He thought he'd done proper background checks on them, but obviously he'd failed at that, considering Guy had managed to slip through. Most of his protective actions were selfish in nature - Luke had to survive in order to die as predicted in the Score. His life was a sacrifice for the sake of Kimlasca's prosperity.
A lie he'd told himself for nearly two decades. Unsurprisingly, Susanne hadn't believed him for a second.
Probably why she hadn't protested to his search for Guy, after he'd discovered that the young man had done some kind of harm to his eldest and original son. He didn't like to think about what exactly had happened, so he summed it up into one thing alone: Guy had hurt Asch. That was enough of a reason to hunt him down and-
... And what? Obviously Guy needed to be taken out of commission, but Fabre knew how upset (and angry) his sons would be if Guy perished. So that was a last resort he would rather not breach. However, he now had a sword at his side and no plan whatsoever, really. And with Guy's current attitude, it was sure to come down to violence.
All he could do was hope that he was strong enough to keep it from becoming a fight to the death - for either of them.