7 Quirks/Facts/Habits of Spink

Jul 30, 2007 09:46

These are my tardy answers to the 7 quirks/facts/habits meme as tagged by my favorite naughty librarian
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Comments 15

tracyj23 July 30 2007, 16:00:53 UTC
It seems we have a few things in common - I too am a lipgloss fiend. Not so much in how many I have but in how much I use. I have vaseline containers all around the house and lipgloss in my purse and I reapply at least 5 dozen times a day. I hate dry lips and when they get dry I lick them so it's just a nasty cycle. My hubby thinks I'm crazy. :)

I too have the sense of smell thing. I love to smell things, and I find I understand them better by sense of smell. I also find guys attractive more according to smell than looks. (Look out Jamie B if I ever get close enough to smell you!)

I hold my pen like you as well, or it sounds like it from your description.

I think Lunie tagged me the other day but I haven't gotten around to writing my 7 things yet - twas a busy weekend and I still had 5 questions to answer for someone else. I'll get to my 7 weird habits soon - though it seems you've stolen a few of mine. :)


spinkkitty July 30 2007, 16:14:52 UTC
that is very odd! u are like my canadian twin! no wonder we have dream connections.

i apply a lot as well, its not just about the gloss, its also about the balm, if i am at home or going to bed and even under the gloss there is always the balm. if i can't find the balm i use the vaseline. there is a big container right by my bed. luckily i never have dry lips due to years of constant lip attention.

I bet jamie smells divine. sigh...

i never noticed i held my pen any different from anyone else, until my lovely sister pointed it out i believe she said "why do you hold your pen like that? you look like a retard". does that middle bit of your thumb have a pot belly from holding the pen?


tracyj23 July 30 2007, 16:57:04 UTC
Can we have some more dream connections? Pretty please? I'm willing to share Jamie. :D

~~does that middle bit of your thumb have a pot belly from holding the pen? ~~

I can't say that I've noticed it's different than anyone else's but now that you've mentioned it, it does look a little fatter.

I found some great lipgloss - cheap too, Bonne Bell's liplites. They have it in mocha which is a divine colour AND smells and tastes like mocha as well. Yummy! My hubby is happy I found it because my previous favourite was raspberry flavoured and he didn't like tasting that. so no kissing. :(


spinkkitty July 30 2007, 17:03:35 UTC
that would be nice, unfortunately however jamie and lee are keeping their distance - BOO

even compare your the thumb of the hand you write with to your other thumb, mine has such a pot belly in comparison.

thanks for the gloss rec! i really have to contain myself in the drug store, i have the tendency to go nuts and have on occasion. at least drug store nuts is not as bad as sephora nuts. i am always looking longingly at the bonne bells - they bring back good childhood memories and all the yummy flavors! i am dying to try the cola one. one of my favorite stilas is brown sugar and that tastes and looks divine, i love gloss with corresponding flavors. it is one of life's little pleasures.


lint138 July 30 2007, 21:08:58 UTC
"I am very in tune with my sense of smell and have the (bad?) habit of sniffing things. I don't mean like gross things, just normal things. Like if i'm handed something new I will more often that not sniff it."

Raises hand... Guilty.

I once freaked an old lady out because she didn't know what a substance on her jacket was, so I smelled it and told her "chocolate."


spinkkitty July 30 2007, 22:36:49 UTC
i would have done the same thing, sometimes sniffing just makes sense! come on people, ur nose is there for a reason!

although i have to admit sometimes i have experimentally sniffed some stuff and wished that i hadn't.


lunar47 July 31 2007, 20:46:08 UTC


spinkkitty July 31 2007, 20:59:48 UTC

you would know this lunie from having a ton of cats, unfortunately sometimes things really are what they appear to be and olfactory confirmation is really not necessary.


alissabobissa July 30 2007, 21:47:43 UTC
Spinky, I hardly knew ye! Jk, I knew the majority of this already, but the length and detail is nice. :)

I, too, love lip gloss/balm, and constantly coat my lips because dry lips are the grossest. I can't say I'm to your level of fascination/obsession though.

I sniff books, new and old. I like the smell.

By an interesting twist of fate, I received the discarded Hello Kitty journal/stickers McDonald's happy meal toy from a coworker today, and I thought of you. I'm going to use it to keep work-related notes in, so I guess I'll always think of you when I use it at work. Say it with me, awwwwwwwww.


spinkkitty July 30 2007, 22:34:01 UTC
I knew the majority of this already stop fibbing!

maybe u knew about the musicals and the lipgloss but the rest you couldn't possibly have known, unless u are a much better stalker than i am! hey! i should have said that i am an amateur stalker! that is number 8.

awww hello kitty happy meal toy! *jealous*, that is one thing that i fight with my 8 year old niece over. the hello kitty bride on my wedding cake was actually hers.


alissabobissa July 30 2007, 22:50:41 UTC
I knew about the lip gloss, the musicals, Hello Kitty, and you've mentioned the praying mantis fear a time or two. 4 of 7, that's a majority baby!

Yes, you should have mentioned your stalker abilities.


spinkkitty July 31 2007, 02:53:19 UTC
I sniff books, new and old. I like the smell.

new book smells is nice, one of my favorite smells is new plastic, like a brand new beach ball.


boom_queen July 31 2007, 01:43:08 UTC
Yay for spink factoids!!! I knew about the musicals but I think that's it--everything else is crazy awesome insight into your brain/ways :D

I have a Hello Kitty fixation by association with my mom, who inexplicably LOVES Hello Kitty (even though she's 55) and buys random clothes/stuff all the time and then gives it to me because I'm younger...

Ohnoes for the preying mantis fear! I am neutral on most bugs but I am way not okay with snakes, so I am right there with you on the run-screaming-in-the-other-direction reaction.

Haha! I love the Grease home movies!!! I am very guilty of knowing all the words to the songs in Grease 2 (and most likely having made my brother's sing along with me too), but it has never been documented on camera ;)

PS: I have SO MUCH LOVE for the iSlash icon!


spinkkitty July 31 2007, 02:50:30 UTC
ur mum sounds awesome! there is a hello kitty store in times square and i really have to restrain myself, i go past there every two weeks when i have my biweekly movie date and go in there and squeal at all the cute things i want. your mum would love it.

i swear i could recite the whole of grease 1 in its entirety songs and all.

there are so many wonderbar horny icons out there, i am quite partial to that one myself heehee


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