Title: One Moment, One Chance Connection
Fandom: LOST/Pushing Daisies
Author: kawaiispinel
Feedback: ...Is loverly.
Word Count:1186
Rating: G
Characters:Penny, Alfredo
Pairings: Penny/Desmond, Alfredo/Olive
Summary: She doesn't make a habit of talking to strangers in diners.
Disclaimer: It's still not mine. Really.
Author's Note: Based on this little
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Comments 3
His face lights up as hers must have when she mentioned Desmond’s name. It was almost like looking in a mirror- two lost souls searching for mates that Fate was forcing them through ordeal after ordeal to reach.
*flails* *loves* *wants to reunite them with their lost loves*
I can see this so very, very clearly in my head. And it's now my canon. Because...yes.
[Oh, and very, very quick note: because she’s a bloody Widmore and Widmore’s don’t converse with common strangers (of course, Widmore’s also don’t fall in love below their station should be Widmores because it's the plural, not the possessive. Yes? Other than that, nothing but pure love for this piece.]
(And oh... Damn. Didn't catch that. Thank you very much. XD *goes to ninja!edit that*)
...that could be it, in which case I am a very, VERY lucky Chica. XD
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