Apartment Above Luke's, Tuesday

Apr 25, 2017 02:33

It was Tuesday. Kathy knew she was supposed to be getting to work sometime this afternoon, doing stock or cleaning or trying to find people to come work for her or any number of countless, pointless projects. She had a routine and routines were important, at least according to what little poking around she'd done on the computer for Helpful tips ( Read more... )

what: coping mechanisms ftw, where: apartment above lukes

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Comments 123

not_every_mage April 25 2017, 14:53:12 UTC
A thump thump thump of footsteps came up the stairs, followed by a louder thump thump thump on the door. Call him a soft touch, but Anders already missed their daughters -- and, knowing Kathy, he suspected she was taking it even harder.

"It's Anders," he called through the door.


spin_kick_snap April 25 2017, 15:01:56 UTC
"It's open," Kathy called back, because getting up, even for Anders, was a little beyond her right now.

She half-wished she's done something more with her hair than pull it back in a messy ponytail after getting out of the shower, but, eh, effort. Somehow she doubted messy hair and an over-sized t-shirt would be enough to send Anders fleeing into the sunset.


not_every_mage April 25 2017, 15:35:28 UTC
Anders let himself in with a quick smile for Kathy, not seeming bothered by her clothes or hair, and crossed to sit next to her on the couch. "Hi," he said. "I thought you might be having a hard time today, and I didn't want you to be having it alone, so ... hi."


spin_kick_snap April 25 2017, 15:53:04 UTC
Anders, it was okay if Kathy just kind of launched herself at you, right? Curled up around you, maybe hid her face in your shoulder for awhile? Because that was definitely her plan for as soon as he finished speaking.

"I...yeah," she admitted, voice muffled. "I--Saturday was always going to be hard, but there were kids so I wanted to be cool, but then her name was Sarah--"


vdistinctive April 25 2017, 15:40:14 UTC
Eliot knew first hand how hard saying goodbye to the kids could be, so he waited until Tuesday afternoon before sending Kathy a text.

grandkids? seriously? could have warned me!


spin_kick_snap April 25 2017, 15:54:08 UTC
Oh a text! Texts were awesome! Texts didn't involve pants or trying to act like a person!

I didn't get a warning! Only seemed fair!


vdistinctive April 25 2017, 15:59:44 UTC
PROM was your warning You might've missed this last year, Kathy, but you'd been a student at Fandom for too long not to have at least known about this happening before. grandkids are not standard postprom events!


spin_kick_snap April 25 2017, 16:11:24 UTC
If prom is my warning, shouldn't it have been yours, too? Kathy sent, smiling despite herself. Their relationship was built on trolling. What did you think would happen if I had kids?


soniaroadsqueen April 25 2017, 15:40:20 UTC
Ringo, when she'd finally pushed Crazy Apple back into the little corner of her brain that kept her other persona, had almost immediately rushed out to find Kathy. She'd been halfway out the door when she'd caught herself.

Kathy had said that she was hurting. That she'd wanted her kohai to be there for her. And Ringo hadn't been. And if Ringo just rushed over, she'd almost certainly fall apart all over her senpai, and that wasn't what Kathy needed. So Ringo had spent days working out what she'd say, practicing it in her head so that she could be sure that she'd be mature and helpful and not a burden ( ... )


spin_kick_snap April 25 2017, 15:55:58 UTC
"Come in!" Kathy called down, because leaving the couch for anything beyond necessary bathroom breaks was for chumps. She was in a blanket burrito on the couch and that was just fine by her.


soniaroadsqueen April 25 2017, 15:58:31 UTC
That familiar voice made Ringo hesitate again, but she shook her head sharply. This wasn't the time for second thoughts!

She took a couple of deep breaths, made sure she had a casual, happy smile on her face, and opened the door. "Hello?" she called, keeping her voice light and cheery. "Anyone home?"


spin_kick_snap April 25 2017, 16:17:03 UTC
Kathy groaned into a pillow. She did not have the spare anything to deal with Crazy Apple today and if that girl thought she was going to apologize...! But then Kathy really thought about the greeting she'd just heard. That hadn't sounded like Crazy Apple. Crazy Apple didn't emote.



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