Dite's Decadent Delights, Saturday Evening

Mar 18, 2017 13:39

After hanging out with Raven for a few hours that afternoon, Kathy headed into town to get a little more work done at Dite's. She wasn't sure she was actually accomplishing very much, but it at least felt like she was making progress on something and that felt almost as good as her evenings in the warehouse. She'd gone back the night before and it had been just as good as the first time, finally feeling truly alive as she'd dodged and punched and kicked.

Her face had avoided getting any new bruises--and the ones from Wednesday were carefully covered by makeup any time she left her room--but a couple of the body shots she'd taken had her moving a little more carefully than usual. Still, every flare of pain when she moved too fast or bent too far was another note in the sensory orchestra that reminded her that she was still a living girl who dreamed about being a zombie and not a zombie dreaming about being alive. That distinction was important.

She fired off a few texts to Anders in case he was feeling chatty and then set about opening the delivery boxes and getting inventory up on the shelves. In the background, her computer played the Raptor News Network theme. Ever since Dante had told her that Bob Barbas was a demon, she'd been watching his show to get an idea of what he was like.

So far, all she'd gotten was that he would fit right in with Trump and his cronies. Which said a lot about the current administration, didn't it?

[For one, please!]

where: dite's decadent delights, [dante], who: anders, dmc: devil may cry, enemies: bob barbas

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