[TRANS] The Tv - 11.2010

Nov 03, 2010 21:11

The Television 2010.11

Talking Man

-About being Fighting Men, how do you usually confront to each others?

S: I guess it's our exchange of pranks

P: Expecially between Koyama and Tegoshi!

T: Yes, expecially him, he put a sticker on my phone!

K: Also in the wallet!

T: That's why for a change, I'll go with Shige (lol)

S: I wouldn't say "for a change". Because your target always change.

M: Before Nishikido-kun ate Koyama's bread without his permission!

K-P: Right, right!

R: Koyama was doing his part and I ate it...but I wrote on the next white board "Thank you for the treat, Nishikido".

P: Koyama later was searching badly for his snack.

K: I thought it was Tegoshi and I went around calling "Tegoshiii Tegoshiii!"

R: And then I pointed to the board...

K: And I went "Aaaaaaaah!!!" (lol)

S: Things like this happen.

M: But we never fight for real. Fights are forbidden.

T: When we hit eachother for real Massu is really strong though!

K: If we do a NEWS tournment Massu & Yamashita-kun would win for sure.

S: Because Yamashita-kun is Joe!

P: I'd win for sure at Janken. Since Joe knows how bad it is to feel pain he would go with a peaceful Janken tournment!

R: Ehh, if it is so I want to be the first! And if I lose I'll take my revenge! With a surprise attack!

K: (lol). Don't do that creepy smile!!

M: Ok ok, I can be the last one.

S: No, I'll be the last!

T: Ah, right! The last is Shige!

K: Sure. He may look fleshy but in reality he's very weak...

P: No, we said we won't fight! NO FIGHTS!

T: No fights, no life!

R: That's wrong, isn't it?

P: If that's so let's be real yankees. Chiiss!

-Ok, ok...let's talk about the new song now.

R: I like the part "Saijoukyuu no Fighting...BOON BOON BONBON"

M: That's good to dance to and the sound is nice too!

K: We wanted to insert a fighting pose, right?

T: Yeah, like the song's title.

S: The lyrics are good too, very modern.

P: Like "Can't lose to yourself" and "If you don't give all of yourself is over". Chiiss!

K: By the way, recently on MS Yamashita-kun hugged Ryo-chan...

R: It was surprising! But then it turned into "Ahh Yamapi is so warm~ (lol)

P: Uhuhuh. Chiss! (grins)


Jumping Man - Challenge

Jump rope in pair. The couples were chosen by fortune and they have to do a jump rope of 5m. The ones who score more jumps in 30 seconds win!


1. Yamapi - Koyama (36 jumps)
2. Massu - Shige (14 jumps)
3. Ryo - Tegoshi (3 jumps)


Hopping Man - Challenge

Hopping. 3 after 3, the one who succeeds in hopping from the start to the goal (8m) faster wins!

Winner: Shige (O____O lol  <---Well actually...he's a monkey ofc he can jump well XDD)

Short and quick translation >< I have homeworks to do but I couldn't resist to this! XD
Watch the pictures of the mag to see how the challenges went! :D

members: all, mags: thetv, translation: magazine, news

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