Title: Reindeer Paws Genre: Minions AND NCIS Rating: G Word Count: 1056 Prompt: NCIS and Ducky and/or Jethro with a side order of Minions?
leesa_perrie, I hope you enjoy your gift. You did hand me quite possibly the toughest and the most enjoyable prompt of the bunch! And my thanks to sparky955 for her help. Fic can be read here or follow the link to AO3
Title: An Odd State of Affairs Genre: Man from UNCLE Rating: G Word Count: 1111
For threecee Illya Kuryakin carefully read and re-read his assignment. It wasn’t that language he didn’t understand, but there was so much to America’s culture that was still a mystery. Of course, he’d lived through their Christmas and even the 4th of July celebrations
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Title: A Cage without a Key Prompt: Spike goes into a bar and meets... Alexander Waverly Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Man from UNCLE Word count: 1188 Rating/Contents: PG
My thanks to Sparky955 for the Beta and to Intothebar for another great challenge!