Affliate Plz? :DDD

Jun 11, 2007 10:53

because they're all special.

In alphabetical order, because that's what they do in Hollywood when all the cast are bigshots & catty people who b*tch over whose name comes first. SORRY AFFLIATES XD

. a f f l i a t e s

[+] asprialet
[+] bassviol
[+] chrnocrossing
[+] citrusdesigns
[+] dragorsicon
[+] fuyuno
[+] hadashi_icons
[+] hatsukisu
[+] heart_ship
[+] kokoronokizua
[+] mioyani
[+] pearlred
[+] pinkufever
[+] shiroi_fuyu
[+] soyokazestyle
[+] sukebecons
[+] twinees

edit: i'm sorry i never receive comments to this post! shall check this post regularly from now on and i'll edit this post real soon :)


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