Just... done

Sep 11, 2012 15:32

Absolutely and utterly under a rock until further notice.

This entry was originally posted at http://spiderine.dreamwidth.org/543724.html. There are
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selfpity, nutcase, kill 'em all

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Comments 3

ncp September 11 2012, 19:40:35 UTC
Come out when you're ready! We'll miss you!


lexin September 11 2012, 20:33:08 UTC
Whatever's going on it sounds rough. I'm thinking of you.


magpiefirefly September 11 2012, 20:40:37 UTC
Pick a rock near a Trader Joe's. That's where I go when I want to kill people. I shut the murderous bitch in me up with chocolate and coffee. (And now they have a Sugar, Chocolate, & Coffee Bean grinder that sprinkles that goodness onto your cake, coffee, right into your mouth...)


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