This is not the secretary you're looking for...

Jul 23, 2008 09:47

Squirt stopped by the office this morning.  He's still out on paternity after Ms. Squirt squirted out Squirt Jr., but there were a couple of documents that needed his signature and so forth.  When he stopped by my desk to hand me aforesaid documents needing his signature and so forth, we started talking about how mummy and baby were doing, and the ( Read more... )

tmi, work

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Comments 10

icarusancalion July 23 2008, 14:46:04 UTC
I like the suggestion that you would work part-time for Torchwood.


spiderine July 23 2008, 15:00:47 UTC
LOL! That's a quote, I forget whether it's from Torchwood or Doctor Who. I also kinda forget who said it... I think it was Jack Harkness.

I must be getting old. Whose journal is this again? Who are you? Where are my glasses?


icarusancalion July 23 2008, 15:44:33 UTC
spiderine, this is Icarus.

Haven't watched either DW or Torchwood yet, but the CDs someone sent me are calling....


spiderine July 23 2008, 15:47:23 UTC
I know you are, but what am I? :D

If you want suggestions as to where to start and what to expect, I am at your service. Please take into consideration that I am a shipper of major proportions and anything I tell you will be with the express agenda of recruiting you for my OTPs. :D


ncp July 23 2008, 15:15:55 UTC
waitwaitwaitait... MY son has a minor hypospadias!

No one told me about this high estrogen level thing! Or possibility of intersexed genitals! Or or or....


(We're Hindu. Hindus don't circumcise)


spiderine July 23 2008, 15:37:31 UTC
DON'T PANIC! It's a very common "deformation" -- tho, if it's so damn common, why call it a deformation? Why not just call it an "alternate configuration"? LOL! Follow the link in my post to the wikipedia article. It'll mention the factor of estrogen exposure in the womb. If it's truly minor, say on the glans, there's very, very little, repeate MINISCULE, possibility of intersexuality. My mind went there because I AM WEIRD, remember? I am NOT a doctor, nor do I play one on TV.


ncp July 23 2008, 15:44:42 UTC
Yeah, I read the article, which did make me feel better. We're eventually going to get a consult from a pediatric urologist, to see if the problem warrants correcting or not, but we're going to wait until Little Bit is bigger.


spiderine July 23 2008, 15:49:26 UTC
If it's a minor as most, it'll just mean he'll pee messier. Especially as you're not circumcising; his foreskin might get in the way.


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