Yay Torchwood! Wednesday has become my favorite day of the week! *bounces*
Let's get to it -- you know the drill: unspoiled, unviewed and nothin' but squee. Blatant Ianto worship, Jack drooling and Owen disgust are also on the menu. Spoil me for anything Torchwood or Doctor Who related and I'll rip your arm off and beat you with the wet end
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Comments 35
Cause heaven forbid Owen have difficulty adjusting to the fact that he's dead? Honestly, the fact that he's adjusted as much as he has in three days is impressive considering everything he's lost.
But yeah, excited about Ianto wearing pink next week. Boy looks good in pink. And I can't wait to see Rhys reaction to Gwen being 9 months pregnant when they wake up in the morning. That'll be classic.
Pink is not my favorite color -- far from it -- but it's better than some of the other stuff Ianto's been wearing. And the alien pregancy was a plot that was bound to happen sooner or later. Let's see what they do with it.
And yeah, any show with aliens will eventually bring about an alien pregnancy storyline. I'm actually excited to see how it plays out cause it's got the possibility to be hilarious (especially with how dark the last few episodes have been).
Did you see Ianto carefully swap coffees with someone else? :D
Jack didn't seem very into the whole kissing-Martha thing. My thoughts ran to "You tart, you know he's shagging the tea boy who is RIGHT BEHIND YOU, but come to think of it I'm sure Ianto wouldn't mind a threesome, which just goes to show that Jack is contagious."
There was a lot of Owen staring off into space. I grew tired of it so I started imagining that John Barrowman was standing behind the camera during every take, making faces to try and crack Burn Gorman up. :D
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Jack is contagious in the best of all possible ways. :)
On a side point yay to Ianto in pink shirt, but................Vomit inducing almost kiss between Gwen and Jack. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
YES! Isn't it great when the creators of a show are FANGIRLS? I've even heard that Gareth David-Lloyd reads Jack/Ianto slash! My mind BOGGLES.
I'm so used to vomit-inducing almost-kisses between Jack and Gwen that my only reaction is a slightly disgusted sigh.
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Concerning GDL reading the fanfic I keep imagining him reading aloud *sigh*
I just don't get it.
In fact, I'm surprised that anyone questioned that...I thought it was obvious that's what they were saying.
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