The Petrelli Adventure (Part 3)

Dec 17, 2007 20:05

Title: The Petrelli Adventure (Part 3)
Fandom: Heroes
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 2764
Rating: PG-13
Characters and Pairing: crazy!Peter/Claude, Nathan/Peter, Petrelli!Claire, Sylar/Niki, Mohinder , Adam, Hiro, Matt (And basically everyone else in the show)
Warnings: AU, Language, Slightly twisted, humour.
Spoilers: None really, it's AU
Summary: Nathan Petrelli, a professor of antiquities at Columbia University goes missing and so begins the hunt for the artifact in India.
Notes: A bit darker this time, but still crazy.

Part 3

Miss Sanders untied her dress and let it fall to the ground. David Lawrence smiled as she sauntered towards him in nothing but lace. “I missed you so much, baby,” he muttered as she reached out and kissed his neck.

“I know,” she growled in response. “I’ve missed you too.” David Lawrence ran his hands through her long blonde hair as she pushed him to the bed. His tongue wrapped around hers. Pillows and blankets soon encased the two. “You’re so much better than Gabe,” she breathed out. He stopped and looked at her with an intenseness that Miss Sanders had never seen.

“What are you mean, ‘Better than Gabe’?” Miss Sanders laughed.

“You’re lookin’ way to deep into this DL,” she said.

“What the fuck, Niki!” he exclaimed pushing her off his body. Miss Sanders looked as though she’d been slapped. David Lawrence jumped up and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door hard enough to make the plaster shake.

“Baby, it’s not like that!” Miss Sanders yelled angrily. “It’s just sex!”

From the next room, Gabriel Sylar smirked.


Claude Rains walked into the hospital sporting a white coat. “Hello,” he said the mousey brunette nurse behind the counter. She gazed up at him and smiled.

“How can I help you today Dr Rains?” she asked.

“I need to see the file on Peter Petrelli.” She typed into the computer in front of her and bit her lip in thought.

“There’s a lot,” she said. “Do you need all of it?”

“Yep.” She rose her eyebrows.

“You do realise this goes back about 24 years right?”

“I need it all,” Claude said leaning forward.

“Is he a patient of yours, Dr Rains?”

“Sort of.” He smirked. “Just get it for me please, Janice? I’ll get ya a puppy.” She laughed.

“Alright, I’ll print it all out. Just make sure it’s a beagle.” Immediately Claude thought of Peter smirking at him with a red leash around his neck.


Mr Parkman and Mr Monroe walked into the break room to get a coffee. “Why is coffee so amazing?” Mr Parkman asked Mr Monroe. Mr Monroe shrugged and reached for the pot.

“You know, back in my day, tea was the drink. Funny how it’s reversed. Especially since your bloody country was basically forged over it. ‘Oh lets tax the tea! Oh no, why are you throwing the tea into that harbour? War!’ I’m almost certain those fish were awake for weeks.” Mr Parkman rose his eyebrows at Mr Monroe. “Tea is the real drink of amazing.” He poured the coffee into a foam cup and handed the pot to Mr Parkman who smiled at him.

“Then why are you drinking coffee?” he asked pouring his own cup and sipping it.

“Cause it’s here,” he said. “Plus, quadruple strength Starbucks can keep you up for days.” Mr Parkman choked on the coffee and spit into the sink.

“Quadruple strength!” he exclaimed. “Jesus Christ, Monroe!” He quickly rushed to the fridge and grabbed a carton of milk.

“Oh grow a pair, Parkman.”

“More like a new tongue that’s already 400 years old that can’t taste how fucking sick your coffee is.”

“Add some sugar and you’ll be fine.” Mr Parkman rolled his eyes and did as he was told.

“So when do we head out to India?” he asked, pouring the entire contents of the sugar bowl into his small cup. Mr Monroe took a sip and smiled.

“Three hours.”


Nathan and Claire walked down the bazaar of the small town full of people and animals. Claire rushed to a jewelry stand and looked at a bracelet. “Dad, this is so cool!” She exclaimed, holding up the leather piece. Nathan sauntered over to his daughter, hands in his pockets and looked at the piece.

“Yep, that’s a pretty cool piece of leather you’ve got there, Claire.” She rolled her eyes.

“C’mon, the leather jewelry thing is so rock-and-roll and totally in style right now.”

“You know what else is in style?” Nathan asked her. Claire shook her head. “Not spending money on things we don’t need.”

“So when you and Peter went to the bar last night and got drinks that was necessary?” She crossed her arms and gave him an intense stare. Nathan smiled.

“We didn’t go to the bar last night.”

“Then where’d you go? You left, I heard you leave.” Nathan panicked for a brief moment before lying.

“We were working on the map, figuring out the quickest path to the caves where the thing is.” Claire dropped her arms.

“Oh…” she said placing the bracelet back where she got it. “So what is this thing anyway?” Nathan grinned, wrapping his arm around Claire and walking away for the jewelry stand.

“It’s fantastic, Claire,” he said.


Mohinder sat in the jeep, waiting for the Petrelli’s. He sighed and looked at the map again, writing notes on the side. He knew where it could be, but he wasn’t sure of the exactly location. There were hundreds of caves, all lined up against each other. It was almost impossible to figure out which one housed the object and how deep into the cave it was. Or even if it would be there…They would probably have to dig.

The passenger door opened and Peter Petrelli jumped in. “Hey Mohinder!” he said taking a bite of a piece of beef jerky.

“Hello Peter,” Mohinder said turning his attention back to the map.

“It’s in the fourth one to the left in the top row,” Peter said munching happily. Mohinder looked up at him and rose an eyebrow.

“Oh really? And how do you know that?” Peter smirked smugly and leaned closer to Mohinder.

“Saw it in a dream.” He then held the jerky up and bit another piece off.

“And that makes it true?” Mohinder said smiling with disbelief. Peter shrugged.

“C’mon Dr Suresh, this is me you’re talking to. You know what I can do.”

“I also know you’re clinically insane.”

“Nuh uh,” Peter said waving a finger in front of his face. “That’s all just one big lie. I’m really quite sane.”

“In all the years I’ve known you, Peter Petrelli; I have never seen anything that has proven that you are.” Peter’s smirk fell and he retreated back into his seat.

“Fine,” he said gruffly. “Don’t believe me, but when it’s there, I’ll just be standing beside you saying I told you so.”

“Can’t wait,” Mohinder said turning back to the map. Peter kicked his legs up and stared out the window chewing slowly on the salty meat.


Agents McCain and Bennet followed Petrelli and his daughter through the winding streets of bazaar. “This is stupid,” Eden said to Bennet. She scratched at her short brown hair. “Following them like this when we could just go up to him and make us tell us where it is.”

“I’m not sure even Petrelli knows for sure,” Bennet said. “That’s why he brought his brother.”

“So his crazy brother knows what cave it’s in?” Eden said disbelievingly. Mr Bennet smiled.

“Peter Petrelli may be crazy, but he’s incredibly gifted.” Petrelli and his kid rounded a corner and went down a small alley way. “We can cut them off.” Quickly Bennet and Eden ran to the opposite side behind the two. Bennet motioned for Eden to go to the left as he pulled out a gun and advanced upon Petrelli. His daughter carried a white burlap bag on her shoulder that Nathan was searching in.

“I can’t find it, Claire, you sure you got it?” She huffed out.

“It’s in there, Dad. I bought it when you went into that one store and bought all the vodka,” she said.

“We can’t go in there with out…oh wait, here we go,” he said pulling out a bag of salt. He looked down at it with deepened eyebrows. “This is all you got?”

“Gees, Dad, how much did you want?”

“We need more salt than this. I’ll just go back and get some, you go to the car with Mohinder, kay? You tell him that I’m finishing up and then we’ll be on the road again.” Nathan put the salt back in the bag and smiled towards his daughter.

“Yeah ok,” she said moving ahead, as Nathan slowed down. Claire ran off and disappeared around a corner. Bennet smirked and took two large steps forward, a mere foot separating him from Petrelli. He placed the gun against the man’s back, who froze in response.

“Hello, Mr Petrelli,” Bennet said. Nathan smiled.


Claire rushed to the jeep where Mohinder sat staring at the map and Peter lounged chewing on dry meat. She poked her head through the window driver’s window, concern visibly written on her features. “Dad’s in trouble!” She exclaimed. Peter and Mohinder both looked up.

“Where is he?” Peter asked, gaze darkening.

“In the bazaar,” she said. “He said that he’s finishing up and then, we’ll be on the road again.” Mohinder’s eyes went wide and Peter threw his snack to the ground.

“Shit,” Peter growled opening the door and slamming it shut.


“Mr Petrelli?” Nathan said. “Think you got the wrong guy, man. My name’s Plant, Robert Plant.” Mr Bennet pressed the gun harder against his back.

“Think your funny, Nathan?” Bennet sneered. Eden then stepped out from the shadows and grinned at Nathan.

“I think I’m hilarious,” Nathan responded.

“We don’t have to hurt you,” Eden said gracing his face with her finger. “All we want to know is where your brother is.”

“He’s probably in New York. I don’t know where my brother is at all moments of the day.” Eden looked into Nathan’s smug eyes and smiled.

“We know he’s here,” she said. “And I think, that you’re going to tell us, where Peter Petrelli is.” Nathan closed his eyes and didn’t respond. Bennet pressed the gun against his neck. “Where is Peter Petrelli?” Nathan’s eyes snapped open.

“Here,” Nathan spurted out. He laughed and moved his head back to talk to Bennet. “So you’ve got a mind controller now eh, Noah?”

“Comes in handy,” Bennet said.

“Tell us exactly where he is,” Eden commanded. Nathan glared at her before blurting out.


“You said that before!” Bennet yelled pushing Nathan to a wall. Nathan smirked at the man holding the gun at his face.

“That’s because he is here,” Peter growled from behind Eden. She turned around quickly and moved to punch Peter. He grabbed her hand and then the other one till she grimaced in pain. Nathan took the opportunity of a distracted Bennet and kneed him in the chest. The gun fell to the ground with a clang as the man grunted and Nathan punched him in the face. He shook his hand in pain as Peter pushed Eden against the wall. “Don’t I know you?” he said looking at her curiously.

“No, you don’t,” she said. When Peter smirked she inhaled sharply.

“You’re the girl from the bar,” Peter said pushing her higher. “And you work for them don’t you.”

“Let me go.” Peter leaned his head to the side and smirked.

“Oops, doesn’t seem to be working does it?” Bennet ran at Nathan and pushed him to the dirt ground below. He and Nathan struggled against each other till they saw the gun sitting to the left of them. Then they struggled for the gun.

Peter pushed Eden’s head against the wall knocking her out. Bennet elbowed Nathan in the nose causing him to yell out and loose sight of the object of his desire. The glasses wearing man snatched the gun and quickly jumped up. He cocked and pointed it at Nathan. Nathan looked up at the man and smiled.

“You wouldn’t.” Bennet smirked. Nathan’s smile dropped. Before Bennet could pull the trigger he was slammed up against the wall by seemingly nothing. Nathan looked over at his brother to see him holding his arm out, hand wide. He began clenching his fingers together causing Bennet to choke. He grabbed at the invisible hands closing in on his neck, gurgling horribly.

Nathan stood up quickly and rushed at Peter. “Peter!” he yelled. “Peter stop!” Peter’s eye twitched darkly as he began pushing harder, dragging Bennet up the wall. Nathan grabbed Peter’s arm and began pulling harshly. “Peter, this won’t solve anything!” Peter gazed at Nathan, causing him to grow sterner.

“They’ll just keep coming after us.” Nathan gave Peter an intense stare.

“Peter, you can’t do this. Let him go, please.” Peter looked back at Bennet before putting his arm down, causing the man to fall to the ground. He and Eden were out cold, but alive. Nathan smiled at Peter. “Good Pete lets go!” He pulled at his brother’s arm to run to the jeep but Peter wouldn’t move. “Peter?” Peter turned his head and smirked at Nathan.

“It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve killed, Nathan.”

“I know, Pete,” Nathan said swinging around pushing Peter in the other direction. Peter struggled trying to reach the two.

“I don’t want them to kill you! Damn it, Nathan! Let me kill them!”

“That won’t solve anything! They’ll just send more people!”

“Please, Nathan!” he whined.

“No.” Peter struggled, reaching out towards the two agents screaming.

“Nathan! Let me kill them! Let me kill them!” His hair flailed in front of his dark eyes, as Nathan used all his strength to keep him away. He managed to push Peter down the next alley way, Eden and Bennet disappearing from view. Peter finally pushed Nathan off of him and pouted angrily.

“Why? It wouldn’t hurt to-”

“Because, Peter.” He moved towards the jeep quickly, Peter rushing to catch up.

“How do you know they’ll send more people?”

“Because I used to work for them.”

“What?” Peter exclaimed. “You used to work for the company and you never told me!”

“That wasn’t the company, Peter. You know them. It was the government.” He looked at Peter and smiled. “I worked for them so I could get to you. Worked didn’t it?” Peter relaxed, smiled back and the two ran off towards the car.


Mr Monroe and Mr Parkman stood on the tarmac wearing suits and sunglasses. They both turned to look at each other as the wind blew around them. Then Hiro Nakamura stepped out from behind them and asked, “Can you find waffles in India?” The two agents turned and stared at Nakamura with narrowed eyes; Hiro couldn’t tell, they were wearing sunglasses.

“You have an unnatural obsession with those things, you do know that don’t you?” Mr Monroe asked. Hiro shrugged and smiled gazing at the trees surrounding the airport. Mr Monroe turned to Mr Parkman who shook his head in response. “Now Hiro, you know what you have to do when the time comes right?”

“Teleport to it so as not to trigger any of the traps!” he said with happy enthusiasm. Mr Parkman leaned closer to Mr Monroe and whispered,

“Don’t you think we should tell him about Sylar and Petrelli squared?”

“I showed him the screens,” Mr Monroe said out of the corner of his mouth.

“But can Hiro handle Sylar and Peter?”

“I’m sure we’ll have to step in, but with his ability, this will be much easier.” Mr Monroe crossed his arms and smirked at Hiro slightly. Mr Parkman scratched his head.

“Whatever you say, Adam.” Mr Parkman’s phone rang in his pocket. Quickly he answered it. “Parkman.” Immediately his expression went sour. “What do you mean you didn’t get the location? Did you at least get the map?” Mr Monroe rose his eyebrows towards Mr Parkman who shook his head vigorously. “You what! Why would you go and do a stupid thing like that? Because Bennet said…Fucking Bennet! Where is he? Oh, still out? Why’d you listen to Bennet? You had your orders. Go find the Petrelli’s because the Petrelli’s have the map! He thought…He thought Peter was the map? No, no, no. You see, Bennet has a thing against Petrelli…Damn it. I knew it was a bad idea to send him, even with Sylar involved. Where are you now?”

Mr Monroe grasped Hiro by the shoulders and leaned too unnaturally close to his ear. Hiro froze and tensed, swallowing hard. “Hiro, I need you to do something for me.”

“W-what? All the yelling…it cannot be…good.” Mr Monroe smiled.

“It’s not. That’s why I need you to freeze time when we meet up with our friends for just you and me.”

“Why?” Mr Monroe smirked coldly.

*Notes: Robert Plant alias...Yes, I did it. What now? This is also my way of praying that the Led Zeppelin tour will actually happen. And if you want to, it's a nod to Dean Winchester...But mostly it's yay Zeppelin. :D

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