
Nov 08, 2007 19:11

 Title: Help.
Fandom: Heroes
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 1106
Rating: PG-13
Characters and Pairing: Peter, Nathan, Elle, Bob, Other
Warnings: Angst
Spoilers: Up to 2.7 (Speculation for 2.8)
Summary:  He was doing it for Nathan...
Notes: Speculation for the next episode.


“Help!” Peter called out to the dark and empty street. “G-d, somebody please! Help!” The mass in his arms reeked of burning flesh and something else entirely. “Please! G-d, someone! He’s dying!” His voice cracked with concern as he pulled him closer to his body. He was dying; quickly. By the very mile-second, he was losing his brother. “No, no, no, no, no…” Peter muttered. “Nathan, stay with me. I’m going to help you.”

He went to his mother, crying, holding her perfect son. “Mom,” he sobbed falling to the ground, his grasp never leaving his brother. She ran to Nathan and pulled out her phone. She smiled weakly at Peter.

“It’s alright, Peter. He’s going to be alright. I’ll make the call.” She spoke to a man named Bob. Peter continually stroked his brother’s crisp hair trying to comfort him in any way possible.

“Nathan,” Peter cried. “You’re going to be ok. You have to be because I don’t know what I’d do without you…” He pulled Nathan to his chest and cried into the crisp skin. The heart beat was slow; hardly there. I love you, Peter thought.

‘I love you, too.’ Peter jerked upwards and stared at his brother.

“Nathan?” Peter whispered. “How did you do that?” Nathan stared into Peter’s thoughts instead of answering.

‘You have to let me go, Pete. Please. Don’t do what you’re thinking of doing for me.’

“I have to.”

‘No you don’t. You don’t need to save me.’ Peter fought back a sob. ‘Don’t sell yourself to them, Peter. Don’t do what they ask in return for saving me.’

“But, Mom…”

‘Just don’t, Peter.’ Peter looked at his brother determined, holding him tighter.

“I’m going to save, you.” Then Nathan opened his blood shot eyes, gazing at his brother, able to say everything without saying anything.


If Nathan could remember those moments on the floor of his mother’s apartment, he would have thought that Peter, that idiot, never listened. Peter went to the company, holding Nathan firmly in his arms, saying he’d do anything to save his brother. The man, Bob, told him they already had a room ready for Nathan and that they would do everything in their power to save him. Peter placed Nathan on the white bed and watched as nurses and doctors rushed to his brother. He began to cry, praying to some higher power to save his brother. He shouldn’t die for his mistakes. When Nathan became stable, Bob went to Peter and told him it was time. Peter bit his finger nail and nodded softly, eyes never leaving his brother.


The first time Peter met Elle; he had just had his picture taken. The ghost of the flash had yet to leave his line of vision when she came up from behind him and said, “Hi.” Peter smiled at her and brushed a bang behind his ear. “Yeah,” she said looking at his hair, her eyes narrowing. “Those have got to go.” He felt his eyebrow quiver in response.


Peter scratched at his newly buzzed head. It felt colder, especially the white room he placed in. He closed his eyes and collapsed into the wall sliding down it on his back. At least Nathan was alright. That’s why he did it in the first place; to save Nathan. He didn’t matter, only Nathan did. “Hello?” a voice called from the next room. Peter’s eyes opened. He turned his head towards the wall. “You must be the new guy, eh?”

“Uh, yeah. I guess,” was Peter’s response.

“Got a name?”

“I’m Peter.”

“Hello Peter, I’m Adam.”

Over the next month, Peter and Adam became friends, discussing life in the white room and what their abilities were. They spoke of philosophies and stories of saving the world or changing history. Peter thought it was all in good fun, until one day Adam said to Peter, “We could break out, you and me. You up for it?” Peter bit his lip and looked up at the ceiling. Nathan…he was doing it for Nathan…

“No. I don’t wanna leave. They’re helping me. They’re good,” Peter said, completely trying to convince himself.

“This company is bad, Peter. They lock you up and throw away the key. Do you want that to happen to you?”

“No…But they’re helping my brother,” Peter said softly.

“You’re never going to see your brother again.”


He was doing it for Nathan, until he woke up to see the blonde standing over him, smiling mischievously. Peter jerked up and flew backwards. “What do you want,” Peter growled.

“I wanna play game,” she said.

“I’m sleeping,” Peter responded. She bit her bottom lip and closed in on him.

“Not anymore,” she said locking her lips to his. Peter pushed her off roughly, throwing her to the opposite wall. He could feel the anger radiating off of the girl. Her blonde hair, flipped wildly as she stood up and her jaw grinded against her teeth. Peter hardly had time to react before she sent a blot of energy at him, killing him instantly.


When Peter came to, he saw the girl huddling in the corner, pouting in his direction. “Stay where you are!” Peter said, jumping up ready to attack his attacker.

“I’m sorry that had to happen, Mr Petrelli,” said a foreign voice. Peter turned and saw Bob looking at Elle with a very cross look on his face. “Elle is very sorry for killing you, right Elle?” Her lips protruded more as she stomped her foot, looked away and then finally caved.

“Sorry,” she said quietly. Peter glared at the girl.

“Don’t come near me again,” Peter growled to her.

“She wont,” Bob said smiling. “You don’t have to worry about Elle anymore.” He turned to leave the room, but Peter needed to know something.

“How’s Nathan?” Peter asked loudly. “How is he? Is he alive?” Bob looked back at Peter and grinned.

“He’s fine Mr Petrelli. He’s already back home with his family.” Peter felt his heart drop into his stomach. He collapsed to the bed.

“You didn’t let me say goodbye?” He croaked weakly, looking up at the man who had promised to help. Tears began to well. “You didn’t let me--”

“We couldn’t, Mr Petrelli. From this moment on, you’re a dead man.” He left, the door locking behind him leaving Peter to cry in the corner of the room.

“It’s like I told you, Peter,” Adam said through the wall. “This company is bad. It has to be stopped.”

Peter broke out two days later and took Adam with him.


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