Title: Flying The Flag
Fandom: The Avengers
Character: Steve, Rhodey, OMC
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own them, they own me. No money made, no harm intended.
Summary: There was one man in the crowd who did not kneel.
Warning: none
Word count: 727
A/N: Written for
this prompt at
avengerkink. A box of cats for
amcw177 for being on my support team.
Every show needs some clowns. )
Comments 5
tl;dr: This so good, how do you words? ;_; I is incoherent, please forgive.
But now that I rewatched Captain America the other day with my mom I see better how Steve is so lost and full of anger in the Avengers because dammit he saved them all and did his duty but in the end he just lost everything that mattered in his life and now he is stuck in this weird world and it's so unfair.
So yeah, I have lots of Steve feels now and I'm so glad this little snippet worked for you! ♥
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