Beware the bishie spammage ♥

Jan 28, 2011 03:08

So, first off, bishie of the month again! Awful how time flies.

Bishie of January )

bishie, music rec, meme, bishie: january, pics

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Comments 17

maedae84 January 28 2011, 02:54:01 UTC
I agree with everything you've posted. And BDSM Jrock porn is win, period. As long as it's well written.


sphinxofthenile January 29 2011, 11:18:25 UTC
Yay. :P And who knows, maybe one day all that writing might see the light of day.


maedae84 March 11 2011, 04:16:04 UTC
Pwease to be reading it?


gothicdragon752 January 28 2011, 10:42:21 UTC
Ooooh, you make me giggle. I just can't see Sakurai the same after seeing Tamayama Tetsuji playing a "Sakurai" in ROCKERS. Oh, I love Tamayama-sama. 83

And Kyo's smaller than me.... shagging him would be like shagging a little boy D: only.... not.


sphinxofthenile January 29 2011, 11:20:04 UTC
Why don't you spam us a little then? *pokes*

I am very ambivalent on Kyo... I'm afraid you might be right! On the other hand... yeah. *staaaaares*


amcw177 January 28 2011, 11:13:10 UTC
I'm sorry, I'm not quite clear on question #06. Who was it again that you want to shag? :P LOL

I would have almost missed Miya in there LOL But I didn't. I have selective attention disorder when it comes to him, obviously.

Ahhh, there is so much girliness in this post XD But also a surprising amount of badassery which is WIN! \o/


sphinxofthenile January 29 2011, 12:27:18 UTC

Miya is... speshul. ♥

Glad you liked it! It was your fault after all. GIRLY IS THE NEW BADASS, RAWRR. XD (And I swear to god, half of anime characters are inspired by jrockers. The other half has been cosplayed by jrockers. Total win.)


amcw177 January 29 2011, 23:44:51 UTC
LOL Well, I do know some anime characters who rock pretty hard, so yeah ;)

Miya is DA MAN, YO :D


sphinxofthenile February 1 2011, 21:44:32 UTC
Don't get me started with the "Totally looks like" pics, cause I'll never ever get to bed. XD

Miya is LOVE. He just needs a restraining order against mixing boards.


mako_pretty January 28 2011, 12:47:06 UTC
The monthly bishie has really freaking amazing eyes.


sphinxofthenile January 29 2011, 12:31:37 UTC
Glad you like him! I especially love the pics with the blue contacts, he looks amazing with them!


elkica January 28 2011, 20:13:43 UTC
Obsessive much. :D And not just about Atsushi Sakurai. To say that you like that guy would be an understatement.
It's really interesting to see how deeper into J-rock you are being pulled with each passing year.

The bishie of the month is such a cutie, and all the rest from your meme are not bad either. And that little boy had grown up so fine. :)


sphinxofthenile January 29 2011, 12:58:26 UTC
I swear to god, there must be something illegal going on with that guy. Or he has mind altering powers. Then again, if someone said he was from another planet, I would be inclined to agree. XD

The more I listen to jrock the more I appreciate it. Not just the shiny (though have to say, am shallow like that) but the fact that these guys really seem to respect their audience (in the sense that they appear to be well aware that these are the people who enable them to make music in the first place), give 150% into performances, obviously love doing it and enjoy themselves. Plus, the music is good. Feels like I get a lot more out of listening to Japanese bands.

Anyway, rambling. :) Glad you enjoyed the picspam!


elkica January 30 2011, 20:22:22 UTC
You are head over heels his 'person's image'. You are a true fangirl. If someday you turn in to a stalker and devote your life in following him around, I wish you would share your first hand experience and take lots of pictures.

fact that these guys really seem to respect their audience (in the sense that they appear to be well aware that these are the people who enable them to make music in the first place), give 150% into performances, obviously love doing it and enjoy themselves. Plus, the music is good. Yeah, that's true. In majority of Japanese artist I get the feeling that they appreciate their audience and their fans too, it's almost as if the fans are the ones responsible for their success; which they are -sort of - but if they (artist) wouldn't be good, they wouldn't have all those fans in the first place - they forget that fans follow the talent, and if they didn't have one, they wouldn't have so much support.


sphinxofthenile February 2 2011, 01:18:42 UTC
Heh heh. Fangirl? Who, me? *hides Atsushi picture folder behind back* Erm. Anyway. Were he living a bit closer... Apparently, I have a thing for Asian men with planet sized egos and evil eyes. In make up. Killer smiles are a plus.

In majority of Japanese artist I get the feeling that they appreciate their audience and their fans too, it's almost as if the fans are the ones responsible for their success; which they are -sort of - but if they (artist) wouldn't be good, they wouldn't have all those fans in the first place - they forget that fans follow the talent, and if they didn't have one, they wouldn't have so much support.

Yeah, sometimes I feel that too. It's kind of funny, really. Like when best friends are trying to outflatter each other. "Oh, you are the best!" "Ah, no, you are!" "No, you are!" etc. XD But it's still kind of nice, I think. It probably helps a lot so that their success doesn't go to their heads as much.


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