at first glance i didnt realise that YUCAS would lose the game. I had to specifically look for it after your comment.
ULNARIA took me a while to get down in study. I would guess LUNARIA* for at least my first dozen attempts. (slow learner - also kept confusing it with LUNARIAN).
I get nervous about a setup like PED when there's another mouse on the loose. KENT and FLEW don't say much about his leave I guess. I dunno, if I can cash in a half-bingo and see six tiles early in a game like this, I'll do it almost always. I don't know which would come out best if you calculated the risk/reward of ODDER or ROD like pot odds vs DROIDS.
Comments 5
Still not sure of KENT vs FARTLEK, but I can definitely do better than BAM two turns later.
ULNARIA took me a while to get down in study. I would guess LUNARIA* for at least my first dozen attempts. (slow learner - also kept confusing it with LUNARIAN).
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